Remove R-27ER

No one is exaggerating Russian Federation technological design. It is superior to many nations around the world & in a whole other league over Ukrainian attempts to modernize their Mig29s & field their own version of the R-27ER.

Russia is not using either because both platforms are obsolete. Ukraine now admits both & why they have demanded the F-16 & aim-120 be delivered to them every day practically since the beginning.

The same Ukrainian state-owned website that some dude @MiG_23M just tried to use as a source is implying that all of Russia’s allies are dropping their economic & military allegiances to run off & buy their ancient SARH technology at the same time the same state website is actively complaining about the R-27ER themselves saying the R-27ER is actually crap, SARH technology is completely obsolete that is why they need the Aim-120 & F-16…

How does that work?

The truth is he Mig-29MU1 is no more as well as any Ukrainian R-27s. The country has already declared they washed their hands of them after the conflict.
Their own domestic “improved” modernized versions. They just do not want to admit it. No one is going to by Artem’s R-27ERs no matter what. It cannot perform on a modern battlefield against modern fighters.

It’s the cold hard truth whether anyone likes it or not.

No Soviet designed aircraft will ever make a relevant addition to NATO. It never has & never will. They are not the experts on updating & modernizing them. Only Russian & China can truly modernize Soviet designs.

You should perhaps read harder?

LMFAO he does actually demand a physical paper signed by Brezhnev!

Nothing will ever satisfy these people that are too lazy to research & are only interested in hearing answers that tell them they are right.

He will by no means actually research the matter himself lest he find out that he simply learned something new.

Therefore, he makes excuses & places the most ridiculous requirements on people actually trying to help educate them. This is 100% the case for you @BBCRF & @MiG_23M

Not even a thank you for pointing you in the right direction. Just a flat rude reply that you demand official documents before you admit you learned something new.

Get up & go find it yourself @BBCRF Two people have now schooled you on Soviet Radar Development history at Phazotron-NIIR.

Actually, it’s not entirely to properly call the radar Improved by the Phazotron-Ukraine company…It is necessary to compare the blocks with Topaz…
The “tricky” company Phazotron-Ukraine… Историчeскоe - РЛПК (
Since 2014, Radionix has been engaged in these works…

Did you provide any document? No. you’re writing some kind of nonsense taken from nowhere. The only thing you’re right about is that the RLPK-29 base complex could not use the R-27ER, it was necessary to replace the on-board computer with another one

Artem/Arsenal/Radar/Radionix are different Ukrainian companies that all have a cache from the R-27 missile…
1.Radar_ has been producing the 9B-1101K homing head since 2008, as well as its later improved version…
2.Ukraine has extended documentation for the R-27 to China as well as documentation for the AZ-10 infrared homing head (previously called MR-2000)around 2010…The developer is Arsenal company…The version of the R-27ET missile developed by Arsenal with the AZ-10 homing head was called R-47T at exhibitions, since Arsenal does not have the rights to the name R-27…
China most likely also improved this complex version…
3. In 2014, Artem and Radionix formed a group to modernize the R-27 missiles…There are two options…
Option 1-old R-27 missiles, when repaired and extended, are equipped with a new engine (similar to the Russian Energy version) with rudders…homing heads 9B-1101K or an improved version of 9B-1101K (Radar)…
Option two-New active radar/passive radar/infrared homing heads from Radionix are being added…the name of the infrared homing head_(203T) is known… Разработка на Украине инфракрасных головок самонаведения (
4. In December 2019, Modernized versions of the R-27 missiles were adopted in Russia… В бой идут «старики»: истребители вооружат ракетами для дуэлей | Статьи | Известия (

Ракета Р-27: модернизация пройдена, впереди серийное производство для ВКС (
5. India in 2019 signed a contract with Russia, apparently for these upgraded versions of the R-27 (the contract was completed in full in August 2022) for 300 R-27R1/ER1/T1/ET1 missiles. $217.5 million…

In the same year July 2019 India signed a contract worth $ 221 million for the supply of missiles of the R-27 family (not named modification)with Ukraine…and for the purchase of control and verification equipment of the PPPR “Gurt-M” (26 million dollars)… #Техника_и_оружие_Украины@gunsandtanksoftheworld… | ВОЕННАЯ ТЕХНИКА И ОРУЖИЕ СТРАН МИРА | ВКонтакте (


@Ziggy1989 I don’t need to have an airplane in the game to know about its flight characteristics

Apparently he is unaware you can test fly any aircraft or use any weapons in the game without needing to own them…

India bought them in favor of Russia’s modernized models in 2019, what are you talking about? Some orders for the missile have been made as recently as 2022…

You have consistently made stuff up that has been verifiably false with simple Google search on well over a dozen occasions in this thread alone…

Wait… You said Ukraine is only selling Russian spec missiles. So you lied? Again? Checks out.

Proof once again you have no clue about the R-27…

The only one making stuff up is @MiG_23M. More proof once again… lol

All of your research into the R-27 is garbage. Your topic is littered with incorrect specs.

I don’t know if you understood me correctly and translated the video! So again… India’s strange decision to buy missiles from Russia and Ukraine in 2019…

  1. Ukraine bought a R-27ET1 (203 T) _ timer 3.15 minutes.
  2. in Russia, modernized samples of 2019 _ R-27ER and R-27EP…
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Are you going to make the claim that the outdated topic information makes your claim more credible? I’m not claiming any of that information is true, in fact I said it was outdated on that specific thread. You’ve avoided answering my questions directly like the plague and consistently spout more nonsense hoping I’d drop the questions.

So what did they change in the R-27ER besides the motor that precludes it’s use on the N019? It can guide the R-27R just fine… Only change being the motor.

No, my claim is credible because your research is just garbage. It’s completely false with made up specs & weights.

I already posted the differences & other people have tried to educate you, but you still cannot read, I guess.

So my thread isn’t updated therefore you don’t have to source any of your absurd claims? What?

Explain how the ER is unable to be used with the N019 when it shares all parts with the standard R minus the motor.

If you want accurate information, reference the patent or email MAI for access to their technical documentation.

Updated? No, it’s just wrong.

Your research is entirely wrong. I do not know why you would transfer such poor research to this forum.

You also recently erased your diagrams showing the rudders are called control fins. You obviously “updated” your research very recently just to cover your tracks, pretend you know what you are talking about & hide lies. But overall, it’s just bad research.

You need to be honest in your research. It’s the only way the game will get better & the community will become united. I am afraid you are too selfish to understand this, however.

Its ok to learn something new. Its ok to miss things the first time around! But you must acknowledge your short comings.

By the way @Ziggy1989 I saw this post in another thread, and it doesn’t seem to be true if you look at Jaek’s video or the time-to-target charts that have been made.

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I solely switched old picture links, but ok

Apparently the patent + real pictures of the wings shape aren’t sufficient for you.

Here, you can see that an unlofted R-27ER has better acceleration or time to hit than any other missiles. Lofting it however, makes the time to target better.


It is also underperforming in range and top speed

The R-27ER is not under performing whatsoever. it’s not a Mach 5 missile lol.

It’s a Mach 4.5 missile at high altitude lol.

It’s only a capable of 5 in high altitude when launched in a bi-sonic dash (Mach 2+). Which is irrelevant as the missile is completely combat ineffective at those speed anyway.

The R-27ER is not a Mach 5.6 missile as it is listed in game lmfao. Your own sources state this btw.

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Bro have them test the ET! the ET is accurately modelled & loses energy like it should when the motor goes out!

Whoever did that needs to put the ET in it. It’s a BVR missile.

That is the smoking gun proving the ER is overperforming much more than it should.


You can probably ask him, i got the charts from the aim120 thread where the guy posted it. Idk if hes still kicking or not

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