Remove R-27ER

Depends how they model its Aim-120 & its radar. The SMT is not a good aircraft. That is why no one bought it really and few were produced.

SMT’s radar is superior to F-18 radar you can find on ICE model.

Aim-120 will probably be on part with R-77 the thing is SMT has more advantages compare to ICE.

-Better acceleration and climb rate
-Better awareness
-Better radar
-IRST and HMD.
-Better survivability due to having more and large caliber flares.

SMT is not good against other upgraded 4th Gens, against F-4F ICE however it will be quite different story.

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The SMT will come in with 40 minutes of fuel, the F-4F will come in with 27 minutes, 9 of which is the external tank.
Cause unless localhost is fixed or Gaijin starts giving us the info in the HUD itself, the only people finding out SMT’s fuel consumption are those that do the math.

SMT has an at best equal capability radar. Underestimating the F-18’s radar is a common trope on the forums sadly.
Acceleration is about equal.
Climb rate is similar though I’d have to re-test.
Awareness is identical in air RB.
IRST is a neat gimmick, and if HMD mattered Mirage 4000 would’ve been dethroned from 2nd best jet already.

Didnt realized you cant reduce the fuel amount on SMT, oh wait you actually can.

SMT’s radar is much better then ICE radar, you dont even know what you’re talking about.

First series of F-18’s radar had nothing special, you’re the one who keeps overestimating that radar capabilities.

Not even close, especially in equal Fuel level.

Again, false information.

Not really.

IRST is more then just a gimmick, just because you have skill issues and couldnt use it effectively doesnt mean its gimmick.

Also Mirage-4000 is not the second best jet by any means, stop throwing random empty claims.

And risk running out? lol Granted, I run 23 minutes of fuel in the F-4F personally.
Knowing what my enemies take in fuel and how they fly their jets is valuable knowledge.

I’ve found no evidence of SMT’s radar being superior to America’s F-18 radar.
As for over-estimating? I used its radar in DCS, I know its strengths rather well.
F-4F has inherently more fuel than Mig-29SMT.

Weird of you to accuse all skilled players that know how to use IRST of being inferior to yourself again.
And you deny that Gripen and Mirage 4000 are the best. LOL!
Yeah, not sure why you’re shooting your credibility down the toilet.

Have you ever heard throttle management? Guess you didnt, not surprised tho.

Lacking basic knowledge there i see.

And which F-18 radar you used as reference? Since F-18 had multiple different versions.

Just accused you, learn how to read please.

Never said or denied anything about Gripen, stop pulling empty claims from your lower body.

I only said Mirage4K is not the second best jet.

My honest reaction to your bs claims.

F-4F: 192 m/s
MiG-29: 315 m/s


SMT has 300 but gap is still massive, something Alwis cannot comprehend.

Oh, yeah I was looking at the G… but it’s still like 35% faster climb rate xD

Throttle management means they lose the dogfight and I win.
Mirage 4000 is effectively a Gripen with 8x of the 2nd/3rd best IR missiles in the game tied with 9Ms and behind AAM-3s.

It doesn’t have 300 meters per second, no jet does.
Unless you mean temporary, which even Mirage 2000 has.
At least Panther admitted the information I stated is correct in his last post.

Actual climb rate of SMT:

Both above the ~150 meters per second necessary to be deck goblins/BVR workhorses.
And hence I said “similar”.

Who said anything about managing the throttle in dogfight? You dont even understand what you’re reading.

Sorry your personal opinion doesnt concern me.

According to this chart SMT still has 17% difference which is huge, thanks for proving our point and showing us how wrong you are.

So you agree with me on the facts, just disagree over it being similar… lol

Then they run out of fuel cause I already gave me just enough fuel for the highest fuel load dogfighter they’ll have that somehow doesn’t use full AB.
I’m one of the few people that goes into the battlefield purely on dry thrust.

I dont agree with you on anything. You kept claiming both planes have similiar climb rates while your chart shows there is 17% difference which makes quite a big difference, as i said before comprehending skills are important.

Always empty claims, you kept claiming your opponent will have fuel disadvantage according to your theory while in practise he can easily manage his fuel and dump you in dogfight.

You’re just empty talking buddy.

Opinions aren’t facts, sir.
Just cause you don’t see them as similar, and I do, doesn’t change the data itself.
Just cause we have a minor disagreement on perspective doesn’t mean anything.

There’s no fuel dumping in War Thunder for them to gain advantage.
Keep calling evidence empty though…
Keep defending the Soviets whenever I criticize them.
Mig-29SMT’s poor performance is partially why I avoided it, and it doesn’t even get the benefit of 8 AAMs.
I can use its playstyle, as can you, it’s not a great one though, namely for a Mig-29. It’s why I’m saving desire of the playstyle for the F-4F ICE as to not get burnt out.
F-4F ICE will be carried by IRCCM and ARH missiles, just like the SMT.

And after Typhoon and Rafale are added, every jet added afterward are jets carried by their missiles rather than their flight performance.

I was able to very easily get over 300m/s climb rate in a MiG-29G with full fuel, drop tank, and weapons load.

Besides, I was just using in-game statistics.

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I’ve gotten 300 meters per second in a number of aircraft.
Most memorable was the Mirage 2000 cause someone thought it couldn’t.
Sustained though… Mig-29SMT is ~210.
Technically F-4F’s sustained is higher than pictured, but I went lower so no one would complain that I tried to inflate it.
I did use my fuel amount though.

From my experience, as long as a jet goes over 150, they can deal with above threats, or do BVR.
Of course F-15s will retain the highest TWR in the game, and thus highest climb rate, and do BVR the “best”, but that’s going to be marginally better than things with slower climbs.

F-4F and F-4E have practically identical flight models

The F4F was more bare bone and lighter without the sparrow fire control. I cannot expect you to understand how is that relevant as you do not care to know history & technology. But those sparrow fire controls were big, heavy pieces of analog equipment, my guy.

That’s why the gun could not fit in at the same time in the F-104S.

A fuel tank was removed, not flying with sparrows & CM dispensers will give you a different FM performance.

Supposedly the F-4F is about 1 to 1.5 tonnes lighter than an equivalent block F-4E.

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Yeah, I thought so! You can feel it jumping back & forth between the F4E & F4F. Now I am getting pumped for the ICE. I am going to lose it if its not in next update. Then again I am used to it.

I am sure you know the feeling time & time again, update after update, devblog after devblog eagerly looking for the F4F ICE at least with just Aim9Ls only to end up finding nothing.

Same disappointment for the longest waiting for the F-104S ASA. Hopefully they waited just so they can release it in its full glory.