Remove R-27ER

That is him I am dueling in the F-15 what are you talking about?

Yes that’s why I tagged him, you’re not the only person reading. You won a match… Out of how many? I recall he is not able to reply on the forums currently and you’re going to spread misinformation about how these fights went…

We were testing every top tier fighter in a 1v1 against the Gripen. The F-15 beat it out right first shot & we moved to the next fighter. None of the others stood a chance against the Gripen.

He did not want to run it back against the F-15. Because that was not the point of our duel.
It was to see what aircraft can go toe to toe against the Gripen no issue. We determined the F-15 and nothing else at the time.

That was his entire argument. The Gripen is overperforming & nothing can beat it. That was proven wrong.
However, he did end up convincing me the Gripen was overperforming. Because the Mk4, F-16C & the Su27 could not whatsoever, especially vertical where the F-16C should always win with a much higher thrust to weight.

That is why he posted his video of just F-16C losing. That was the undeniable proof of it overperforming. It is true.

You’re missing the point because of an ego you have no business having.

No, actually you are quite terrible in any game mode as well as squadron battles. I know from first-hand experience. You are also getting quite emotional I see.

All you can do is bring up the one time I flew a Kfir at release before any FM buffs vs the Mig23 MLD in its prime. Let it go dude.

I think we’re both getting quite off topic, all you’ve done so far is cherry pick quotes to attack my character. The irony is that no one agrees the F-15 is even remotely the best top tier fighter let alone a threat to the Gripen. If you don’t care for my opinion you can reference that of players with much more reputable history in the game mode such as Defyn.

Fact of the matter is that this entire time you’ve been wrong about every single facet or claim of the R-27ER you’ve made in this thread and have even somehow contradicted your own previous statements. Not only is it not overperforming, it is underperforming.

The massive irony being that the underperformance is a legitimate reason it should be removed from certain aircraft and / or their BR’s be adjusted should it get fixed.

Also yes, I can dust you that wasn’t just some comment. I’ve proven that many times over the last few years.

A War Thunder stat card is not a reflection of one’s personal character…
It’s just a reflection of their skill in War Thunder…

Toughen up a little.

Because you said incorrect performances that was found not to be true is not an attack on one’s personal character either…

I just posted a video of the F-15 it is sweeping behind it and using its superior thrust to weight kill it. Never once was the F-15 not offensive. It was the Gripen immediately on the defense at start of round.

I do not care if no one agrees. The proof is right there before your eyes.

Additionally, the Gripen is not the best fighter at top tier. It’s definitely the most survivable, but it lacks the ability to kill on a large scale over fighters like the Su27.

You cannot kill 8 players in under 1 minute & 20 seconds in no Gripen.

I guarantee it.

How do I know this? Because I played every top tier fighter more than you & played the current top tier much more than you have.

No, instead there are videos of Gripen players killing entire teams on their own by holding the pitch key down… Something no one has ever replicated in an Su-27.

You could have made the point that the Su-27 can carry 6x IR missiles and 4x best SARH in the game and made the same point without ever requiring any in-game experience or a video to back it up.

I smoked a bunch of F-16s with no missiles once and recorded it… In the SMT. I guess the SMT is so good it can handle 3+ F-16A/C’s at once… But no. That isn’t the case. You and everyone else here knows air RB is full of noobs and even remotely confident blind squirrels can eventually find a nut.

Which btw still doesn’t change the fact that the R-27ER is underperforming and this would be a great point to factor into the threads discussion as fixing it might warrant its removal from earlier fighters.

It’s arguably the best dogfighter. Best BVR fighter goes to the SU27 though.

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The pitch key does not kill entire teams or win matches.
You just made that up with no proof.

As for me, I just proven a single Su-27 & the R27ER can eliminate half of the entire 16v16 opposing team by itself & can do it less than 1 minute and 20 seconds.

It can do it with almost a full rack of ammo in the gun & a missiles left over too.

Can you prove such magical claims for the Gripen?

No, it can carry 6x of the most overpowered radar missiles that ever came to the game period.

That 8 kill game was a 6x4 R27ER loadout. Thanks for pointing that out.

Only a guy who does not play Top Tier or the Flanker does not know you can equip 6x R27ERs

Again - something you could have stayed and it would have been 100% believable without needing to do it on video. Killing some noobs in air RB isn’t very impressive but as I said… There are videos where much more credible people than you or I have discussed the current Gripen meta. The thing so clearly overperforms and blows everything else out of the water. This discussion has been had and is obviously decided long ago.

Missiles that can be ignored by flying below a certain altitude? The AIM-9M can not be ignored and requires specific things be done to avoid it. The Gripen carries 6 of these free kills should they be used properly…

I didn’t bother watching the video, you could shorten the time to kill by equipping 2x R-27ET which… Isn’t talked about enough.

The SARH’s need more babysitting time.

Enemies flying into your missiles isn’t exactly the Hallmark of “the weapon is OP” either.

Were you not just saying the Gripen can kill a whole team by holding the pitch key?

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How do you know they are noobs? A lot of them have much better stats than you.

Would you like to see them?

Oh, but your own recorded custom battles & test flights with infinite min fuel & infinite ammo is somehow more impressive?

It’s sooo impressive that GJ does not care to record your custom match stats? Is that how it works?

Prove it.

You sure talk a lot about things you never played or videos you never watched.
There is definitely a pattern.

R27ER is the missile that pretty much forced the flying right above the ground meta. R27ER makes flying at altitude in any plane that doesn’t have it near impossible do to the amount the SU27 can carry and the capabilities of the missile.

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They have no time to react lol.

I can swing my helmet mounted sight and immediately launch an ER that goes Mach 3 in less than 5 seconds.

You think they have time to turn around?! lol!

They cannot ever lock me up fast enough to put me defensive & even if they manage a launch, their Sparrows & Super5s will never reach in time before they are deleted by the R27ER.

There is also the problem of AIM-7Ms doing whatever they want to a decent amount of the time.

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Yup. The Super530Ds will randomly do this too. The ER never.

Only when they first implemented the auto adjust waveform feature did the ERs act funny for a moment. It was then quickly phased out.

This meta has existed since radar missiles were in the game and was most widely accepted to combat the AIM-7F meta prior to the introduction of missiles with IRCCM.

Flying above multipath level directly at people with fast missiles isn’t an optimal strategy. That’s like showing your rear to someone with an R-27T or R-73s, Magic 2, etc.

Of course I’m still not seeing an argument for the removal of the R-27ER specifically.

Btw, another example of Ziggy lying, misquoting, whatever:

I don’t think it should be removed necessarily. It should be removed from the East German (and west) MiG29s and the MiG29 9.13A (same with the Hungarian one idk which one it is specifically). When they do that they could give those aircraft R73s (which is what should’ve originally happened). R27ERs are fine on the SU27 and MiG29SMT (even with how much they over perform). I think they should be nerfed but that’s never going to happen and with R77s and AIM-120s right around the corner the R27ER meta might not be as much of a meta anymore.

You’re just a terrible player, your stats in almost every aircraft show it. You do not even play top tier now.
That’s why you cannot understand.

You must fly above treetop level to win the game.

You cannot even dogfight by maintaining tree top level.

God it’s like explaining the game to someone who does not play. Wait, it kind of is!

Begging much are we? Tell him to show the entire replay. yeah? One game in the F-15 & he got smoked.

Please I beg of you! Please get him to show the entire session. lol

If you can show more than one match in the F-15 I will quit the forum forever.