Remove R-27ER

When are you actually going to make a legit argument? All you’ve done is spout nonsense. Remaining at treetop level negates the need to defend the R-27ER until you’re outside the minimum engagement envelope (WEZ). Your entire knowledge of top tier gameplay was learned from me while you were in my squadron. As I said earlier, you need not even heed my opinion because it is shared by people with a much higher reputation and MUCH higher stats than you or I.

Just get him to show more than one match in the F-15.

If you can I will leave the forum forever.

Just DM him and fight his Gripen… See if you even win a single match against him. I’ll be glad to say I was wrong if you do.

If you can and you are wrong?

He is having a mental breakdown over proof the F-15A can beat the Gripen.

He thinks more matches were played. It was only one match & the Eagle dunked on it. We tested every top tier fighter. Only the F-16C & Su-27 we played more than once.

If I am not telling the truth, simply get the person I dueled to release the entire footage & prove it.
I will leave the forum forever.

Now he wants me to duel the dude again lol.
“I was 20 min fuel & it was a lucky shot” LMFAO c’mon @FeetPics !

There was nothing lucky about it, the F-15 immediately put the Gripen defensive as the video shows. It never was able to get a shot off.

Lol I bet now @MiG_23M is desperately trying to get a hold of @FeetPics for the full replay footage! What an awesome way to spend a Friday night. Good luck. You are going to be disappointed when you get it.

Frankly it’s kind of a moot point now. ARHs are coming within the next month and a half. And unless multipathing is corrected every radar missile is still going to be irrelevant.

F-16s and Gripens yolo-ing straight at people 95m off the deck with 6x9Ms will still be the meta


Yeah… The same way I could win air RB matches in a release day Mirage F1… Or better yet that time I killed a Hawker Hunter in a biplane.

You literally said both were min and he definitely was just demonstrating energy advantage… Which is funny because you claim to have won because of the superior F-15 T/W ratio when it was the energy conservation of the Gripen that put him in front of you. It was intentional to show how slowly it bleeds energy.


Stop crying.

The F-15 can beat the Gripen when its min fuel just like I said. Do something with your free time like cleaning up that trash stat card.

Dudes be lying after a defeat?

He intentionally took his missiles off the Gripen to face the Eagle, he knew he had to be extra slippery. Pretty suspicious that he would not lower his fuel either lol.

Now he was not trying. Omg.

He said no fighter can beat the Gripen period

He’s challenged everyone on the forum and was proven wrong. If you are upset about that. Go message him for the full footage & come back.

@MiG_23M lol I am watching the footage now & he technically could not beat the M4k either he ran out of ammo and missiles and crashed.

The entire point of the fight was to show the Gripens SEP was higher than anything else in the game and the video clearly shows this. FeetPics is far above your level of capability in regard to dueling and should y’all go at it again you could run 100 rounds and you would win 0 when doing F-15 vs Gripen.

Besides, this is off topic. Be the bigger man and stop derailing.

You are the only person going nuts because I posted a video of me defeating a Gripen in a 1v1 that happened to be flown by your Micheal Jordan of WT.

You can twist it anyway you like.
He was ok… He challenged that no aircraft no could beat the Gripen & was proven not to be the case. Thats why we went through each fighter. We only continued after I already defeated him in eagle because he was demonstrating why it overperforms & where the F-16C should excel. He actually uses that very experience with me and highlighted my doctrinal tactics in it.

Why won’t you pull his video post up?

You are the one getting all upset that I can ever beat your greatest hero. You brought him up!

Yeah, let’s get back on topic please.

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This is no longer an option basically, might be able to get R-27ER removed but seeing as it doesn’t raise the efficiency of the MiG-29s above anything else at their BR it won’t. Maybe if it gets fixed and isn’t underperforming anymore or multipath is removed.

Give them the R73.

Take the ER away from the Mig29s when active missiles drop and reduce the BR if need be.
You & @warthogboy09 think 6x6 IR missiles are meta. Give them meta then.

I can care less if they keep the R27ER as is. I am a Soviet Main and Flanker fan. I will happily slaughter everyone who happens not to fly 100 feet off the ground.

But the ER is holding the Mig29s back from getting their true armament, the R73.


I feel its lower these days. But sure, we will run with that.

“I can care less if they keep the R27ER as is. I am a Soviet Main and Flanker fan. I will happily slaughter anyone who is not flying 300 feet off the ground.”

It’s self evident, look at the BR of the MiG-29G vs normal one. They both share the OP R-27ER.

Yes, the G also has R73s.

You take either one of them & the BR will drop.

Your feelings don’t really mean anything when we ran the tests for that video the night before it was posted, specifically because people didn’t believe multipathing was still as prevalent as it is

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Your feelings do not mean anything

6x6 aim9Ms is not meta.

Why? Look at how well you have done in any F-16.