Remove R-27ER

Well, they are friends to be clear.

I just do no think it’s fair as you just entered the conversation. While @MiG_23M has been swearing up and down that any airflow deflection is lift.

@MaMoran20 why is that? How is Mig telling the correct stuff, but he is not? @MiG_23M & @BBCRF under the impression all airflow deflection causes lift.

Are you afraid to disagree with them? Don’t be scared. There is no reason to be.

Why are you afraid to disagree with me?
A charlatan I may be, but you cannot disagree as I am the only one who said deflection alone does not equal lift.

Interesting route you are going with this & indirectly name calling. Kind of weak & cowardly.

?If you have a symmetrical profile, how do you create lift without angle of attack? You don’t have a pressure difference.

I thought he was calling me a charlatan 😅

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Lol I have no idea it’s all very odd.

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When the steering wheel is tilted away, a pressure difference occurs on it.Which is P×S (pressure multiplied by area)=Strength. This force on the shoulder to the center of mass creates a control moment

Is this the original Mig-29 9-13 with R-27 ?
Processing: image.png…

Would you mind quoting where I stated such a thing? I recall telling you that the resulting differences in air pressure result in positive lift when the R-27 style airfoil is given any angle of attack.

I knew you would pretend like you never implied all airflow deflected is lift. I will go through the tons for post later its late.

I think the reason here is he cannot out right oppose his buddies. So, the moment you decided to weigh in he jumped all over you. Almost mad at you .

I indicated that the airfoil only produces lift when it is deflected i.e. given angle of attack but please, cherry pick statements some more.

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You think everything that deflects air flow in an airfoil. You think the R27ER has 12 airfoils.

This is naca 0012’s CL chart, symmetrical airfoil as you see. Lets put this one at 2° AoA relative to airflow.
Nowlets assume that we put this airfoil on the F16, 300ft² wing area and at an airflow velocity of 200m/s.
The lifting force is ~32k lbf. What do you think is the weight of the F16? 25k max and 17k I think empty.
Guess what? The velocity vector is gonna be above the fuselage line.
You can also get this result using the pressure coefficient charts. You can use a much much much thinner airfoil and the pressurw difference will be enough.

I guess wind tunnels are complete waste of time then…
Get serious.

If you do the math, the vector will be largely on the drag force. Which doesn’t hold in
to reality.

Thank you very much for showing you have no idea.

Here’s the pressure coefficient of a sphere, you can find the air velocity at any point aswell. Pressure coeff is negative aswell, meaning its lower than air pressure. Lift…

downforce instead of lift

You are damn right, high school middle school I’d say

The R-27 series as a whole has 12 airfoils, yes. I never said air flow that is deflected off the wing is lift. You tried to imply that a straight fin doesn’t even produce lift in supersonic flight and yet one of your own sources (a rare occurrence for you to share one) proved your statement false.

Well done on your position.

But Cmon @MaMoran20 you can be rude to me all day, but why him? @Armen_Lozone

He is underserving of it.

Ok. Here is one…

He states no and post a video directly showing why angle attack alone does not cause lift.

Do you not pay attention to anyone’s post?

You over analyze everything I say, always looking for negative in every word & anyway to undermine, but the second someone comes along and opposes your positions you shoot them a like lol.


We’re aware 90% of what you say is satire but you make it appear as though you’re just legitimately not well read on the subject.


Bruh, i hate my internet.

So, you refuse to acknowledge the contradiction in what you said & what he said.


R-27R not ER

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