Remove R-27ER

This is not an attack on Soviet weapons.And the nonsense you write

Alright guys please let it go.

We came to a conclusion.

Beating a dead horse wont make it run.


Agreed. Neither did any Soviet mig29s either. GJ knows this and had no intentions of giving them R27ERs and did not at release.

They only gave the missile that belongs to the Su27 to them because they felt they needed to increase their game efficiency & the R73 was ruled out at the time.

I believe it’s time to reevaluate those decisions & give the lower Mig29s the missiles they are rightfully owed.

ill look into that
but in the meanwhile…


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correct me if im wrong but this looks like an ER?


These are post-Soviet Mig29s.

Well actually Ziggy is lying
The Mig-29 could use the entire range of the R-27.Another thing is that the ER entered serial production in 87g later than the R and first of all went to the air defense part

Could is entirely different than ever having.

Hey guys want to see how OP the ER really is?

Check out this 8 kill game in under 1 minute & 35 seconds I just did right now as my last game.

Is the R27ER OP or am I just really good? The missile is not even a little OP?

Killed a dude behind a mountain as well…

Even a blind squirrel will occasionally find a nut.

Neither, average war thunder RB pilot is terrible and presents themselves as a gift for your K/D.

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A blind squire can’t do It under 1 minute & 35 seconds! LMFAO!

Says the guy with no games in the SMT or Flanker. Has no idea how top tier is played. Has worst KDs in every jet than me pretty much. Maybe one lol.

Thanks for your input though.

I taught you how to play the game

Lol ok!? Yes Obi-Wan.

Nerfing the R-27 is not necessary in such ways as you suggest, everything is fine with acceleration and maneuverability




And No!

Air deflection does not cause Lift. Its the difference in pressure caused by the velocities above and below. As a matter of fact it is barely deflected, as you can see

This last one will correct this misunderstandings and actually show you real

For control surfaces, its just an airfoil with negative AoA which causes the lower pressure to be on the lower side.

You got 2(mig and bbcrf)telling the correct stuff and a charlatan yapping. Don’t listen to the latter.

Answer me this, if air deflection was the one causing lift, would a semisphere( with the horizontal part parallel to the airflow) would be able to cause lift?

What a travesty to aerodynamics i’ve been reading


wow… @MiG_23M I have no idea why you are liking that awesome post. it is in direct conflict with everything you just been saying.

Skill issue.

I believe you are under a severe mis-understanding of the word deflection here.

An object on motion when travelling through a fluid medium will experience both pressure highs and lows, the mere difference of pressure does not give enough lift to raise a multi ton airframe into the sky. Low mass gliders maybe but these require large wingspans and surface area to make use of this effect.

If you start to apply low speed fluid dynamics to high speed scenarios you will rip your wings off or worse, (if you are the pilot or a stakeholder).

Also another point to note. In these videos and images u linked, (relatively) the body is stationary while the air is moving.
IRL this is not the case as the aircraft is travelling up to Mach 1.5 while the air is relatively still.

Newtons law: when two objects interact, they apply forces to each other of equal magnitude and opposite direction.

When the airframe flies through the fluid medium at an angle not parallel to the resting state of the medium, it knocks millions of particles off their relatively in rest states.

These collisions (i am aware atoms never touch but i am talking about particles) exert forces on the side of the wing that is more impeding in the stream of airflow.
Your own diagram shows this:

Imagine travelling in a car on the highway.
If you stick your hand out the window in the shape of the flat plane facing the direction of motion of the car:


then raise the front of your hand:


The bottom of your hand (your palm), will feel the force of the striking air particles.
This force, due to the AOA being 21 and not 90, acts both in the drag and lift vectors.

Clarification: I am not denying that negative air pressure provides lift as well, but in the context of the discussion and high speed fluid dynamics, it can be neglected.

Your behaviour reflects your upbringing. Please do justice to how your parents raised you.

In the image you have shared the semi-sphere, with the flat surface parallel to the airflow, (AKA at 0 AOA) will not give any lift because it is at 0 AOA.


Instead, the semi-sphere will produce a downwards force:

In essence, the semi-sphere will act like a really inefficient spoiler providing downforce instead of lift.

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It’s really weird. @MiG_23M & @BBCRF have the entire time stated lift is only generated by deflection & constant angle of attack.

Some random user, @MaMoran20 comes in to say it’s not & singles you out.

But they have been saying the “the correct stuff.”

I shall assume the best from them and assume that they either forgot or neglected it because of how miniscule it is.

MaMoran might also be a tad confused as the word deflection can make a different image in each persons mind.

Also to note is that to get a significant amount of lift from negative pressure you need larger wings (control surfaces on missiles cannot generate much, if any, lift from negative pressure) otherwise the negative pressure cannot build up on smaller surfaces.

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