Remove R-27ER

I’m a UK main who has top tier Russia and US. You are a bad player if you can’t see the 27ER is levels above the 7M or aim54. The fact that russian players bring up the aim54 is hilarious.


I havent moved my goal post. My position is that top tier cycles between Russian dominance and US dominance.

I guess my experience differs from yours. For me, US becomes top dog and the other nations cry. Russia becomes top dog and US cries.

Okay? Even with Russia having worse missiles than the US irl, what arguement is that other than one about production date? If Russia is behind 20 years in missile tech, then US planes in-game would be facing Russian missile 20 years ahead of theirs.

Basically all this is. Russia gets better stuff and US mains cry. Then US gets better stuff and Russian mains cry.

khm… overbuffed f16…


I have more experience in top tier Russia than you


Now F-15A is overperforming. F-16 still hasnt been done anything about nor has Mig29SMT has been fixed.

It stills overperforms to what I have heard but radar underperforms.

I fully support this removal if they’re not going to give them their actual performance and limitations.


This you?


When the R-27Er keeps tracking me after the MiG lost the lock over 10km of Range (on which i changed course 2 other times) → still hits me = this is bullshit.

Meanwhil S.530D explode INSTANTLY when the Mirage looses lock (which is not as IRL)


It doesn’t keep tracking.

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It does → i have to found the replay, but i’ll do it tonight and post it here

And S.530D should not explode in the air until battery dies–> it can be useless not tracking or Re-tracking the ennemy,… but it should not be instantly exploding.

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Or AIM-7s going dumb despite the radar maintaining lock
Or going for chaff vs a foe in clear sky above you
R-27ER dgaf and will hit you regardless
Its very very curious as to why its overmodeled as it is

This has been happening to me with the F-15 a lot since I unlocked it, but I can’t recall any egregious moments similar with the entire year I’ve had the F-4S that wasn’t just me screwing up or losing lock


I like how someone purposed a solution of:

“Because the Aim-7M is underperforming against the R-27ER, we should start giving early AAMRAAMs to compensate. However, they will also underperform against the R-27ER.”

That doesn’t really sound like it fixes the problem here.

I also saw someone say France should get MICAs and I do recall from another discussion a few people trying to make the case that the MICA is actually better than the 9X, but we can’t give the 9X to US because that would be too OP.

Like. What kind of logic circle is that? I have to sort of agree with the suggestion of removing the R-27ER for the time being. Or limit it to just two on the Su-27 and the Chinese equivalent. I don’t actually know if the Aim-7M is just a terrible SARH now or it has something to do with the radar. But getting curb stomped by like 24 of those missiles in game isn’t even close to the definition of balance.

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Less range*

It’s not until the aim120 c5 that the west gets a comparable missile to the r27er in terms of range.

It’s still inferior in range but is a much harder misisle to defeat when you are in kinematic range.


Sad, unloved AIM-54 crying in the corner looking for looking for its 8 missing Gs, its missing 1 mach, and its younger brother’s smokeless motor:



yeah its range is similar to the AIM 7s was what i meant. the R27ERs still have greater launch range but the AMRAAMs allow for defending earlier which puts it a bit more on even ground against the earlier launches the R27s can get

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this missile not only clowns on any long range currently and to be added
it also clowns on anything short range including the british SRAAM, it’s ridiculous.

r27er’s selling features are the ability to relock, the ability to kill you three seconds after the enemy radar has been destroyed and the ability to completely ignore multipath. This latter feature is what completely inutilises the “just fly low bro” argument that russheads bark on repeat.

yeah it defo does, more than the phoenix itself lolge

It does not ignore multipath it still suffers from it so you are wrong here lmao