Remove QN506 from 9_2 Sim battles

Yeah, relies on scanning the sky with thermals?? Don’t act like this isn’t one of the biggest issues.

It has better SPAA capabilities than every SPAA in the that Sim rotation. The issue isn’t the vehicle itself, the issue is it doesn’t belong there.

They can add a huge number of other SPAA’s that can deal with choppers, but they didn’t do that. So they relied on a 2010’s light tank, that has way too many toys, compared to the choppers it’s shooting down.

You can fly low for positioning but you must expose yourself to engage.

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And? You can fire a missile right away before seeing anyone as long as its going towards enemies on the map while the qn506 can’t.
Oh and communicate with your team. If they have a drone they can spot anyone or they can ping anyone.

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With the AS.11? Ahahahahah sure, try it and the talk please, you are speaking non sense.
Teamwork? In War Thunder? Still saying non sense?

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You actually can it has a slow flight time which allows you to fire it towards the battlefield and then spot the target right after.

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How does it have “better SPAA capabilities” when all it can do is shoot down helicopters?
…You do realize it can’t shoot down planes, do you? The missiles are completely useless against anything other than helicopters. And those it has to spot, first.

You may want to get your vision checked if you can’t see a vehicle here

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You guys already have mclos missiles being saclos which is unrealistic buff, so complaining is pointless. qn506 doesn’t even have its full capability with the suicide drones. It would be fair that in simulator battles your missiles have to be mclos as they are irl

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You said it yourself!

There isn’t a spaa that can shoot down choppers as efficiently. Well, beside the chinese 57mm, can’t remember the name.

You are all misunderstanding this post. We don’t mind getting shot down by SPAA, but we do mind getting shot down by a 2010’s light tank. How hard is it to understand?

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“a 2010’s light tank”
It’s a technology demonstrator fitted onto a hull from the 1950s…

It is also not a light tank. It’s a prototype vehicle which isn’t indicative of the 2010s, at all. It uses a hull, engine and transmission from the 1950s as surplus, and a more modern turret. It’s a one-off design and is an event vehicle, and in that BR bracket because of the intricacies revolving that design.

Yeah… You’re totally right! The hull, engine and transmission is the only reason it can lock on helicopters, use modern guided munitions to take out helicopters at range. How could I not have seen that!

I really hope you’re not serious…

Once again, the QN506 does NOT belong in that sim rotation, because of it’s ‘more modern turret’, you wrote it yourself.

Instead of being angry at us, for actually wanting a chance to play the game, ask Gaijin to add a SPAA that can deal with choppers.

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It’s easy to spot a vehicle if you already know it’s there because that’s the 2S6 of the test drive, dumbass.

You are still not proving anything, and you are trying to defend without success your overpower vehicle; you don’t even play sim battles.

Again, you can’t prove that a QN506 is balanced against 7.7/9.0 helicopters just because it’s overpower; accept it and it must be nerfed.

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I knew you were about to say that however my point was not about knowing where the vehicle is but about the visibility of it. If you’re looking at a random field, you can easily see any vehicles considering your vision is goood.

Its balanced because it can kill helicopters that would otherwise be near unkillable by ground vehicles.

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You can’t compare a test drive’s ability to spot a vehicle with a real battle one; it’s like talking about dodging the QN506 missile.
If you ask me to dodge just one missile, I can do it, but doing it in a real battle is another story. Remember that it can shoot at least three other FnF missiles.

Helicopters aren’t unkillable; normal AA can easily kill any helicopter in that range; you just must learn how to use them. If you don’t know how to use a Ghepard or a Shilka, it’s just a skill issue. I get killed by this AA by skilled players even from far away. Do not forget that helicopters are a free kill for any jet around.

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I can, guess why? Because the visibility conditions are same in full day regardless.

You can just dodge the shells because they come with a delay lol

don’t forget that jets are op cancer and in ground battles ground should be able to counter air instead of having to use air to counter air

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No because in test drive you are aware of the presence of the enemy, in real battle you never know what and where the enemy is.

What delay? lol You really don’t know how to use AA, that’s why you need overpower chinese vehicle ahahahah Skill issue confirmed.

Completely worthless comment, you just can play air to counter air, what’s the problem with it? And ground is able to counter air like i said before

This literally has nothing to do with my point. My point was that an enemy is going to appear easily visible in a camera if your camera is pointing there regardless of wether you know its there or not, you can’t avoid this by purposefully trying to misunderstand my argument to avoid it

Delay of shells hitting the target which gives you time to dodge them.

Ground is reliably able to counter helis* because of qn506, otherwise it can’t reliably do that because any bullets can be dodged by maneuvering.

It would be stupid that in ground battles only counter against air is more air because they are ground battles.
I can’t wait for more strong fire and forget missiles to come so other countries can reliably counter heli spam cancer.

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No this is you changing argument every 3 seconds just to comment and hoping to be right, you weirdo.
If you can’t understand me take some medicine for your mental problems or just read again what i said.

See? Skill issue, you don’t know how to shoot with AA.

Ground is reliably able to counter any air if they learn how to use normal AA instead of abusing of overpower vehicles.

One jet is enough to eliminate every enemy helicopter.

You can’t counter a point that i didn’t make you’re strawman also your second half of sentence is against the rules of this forum.

No matter how well i aim you are able to dodge it due to a delay - it is not a skill issue, it is the possibility of you to counter something regardless of how well you do it, even with aimbot the delay would be high enough to let you maneuver away from the bullets

Already said its not reliable because you can maneuver away from it however qn502cdd missiles are reliable enough which is why you’re crying about them.

too bad op air trash isn’t reasonable because people came to play ground battles not air battles just to counter helis.

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your seething objective is to cry about qn506 because it can counter you

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