Remove expiration date from every booster

Remove expiration date from every booster, atleast the lootbox boosters. Last time i waste a lot of credit and got always garbage boosteras and small amount of money. If in not enought, boosters have an expiration date, so 70% of them are sadly a waste…

I understand the statepoint when, if boosters have expiration date it force players to play, but I better prefer, if the expiration date removed because free time decide what time you have a time to play with this game. Just think a bit throught if you have 35+ XP booster and 40+ credit booseter and each alive for 10 battle and expiration date may longer than 3 day , maybe 1 week, half of them still wasted.

I just bring an example from ‘world of tanks’. This game also have credit and xp boosters but them not have expiration date. So you can collect as many you can, storage a huge amount of boosters, use them when you want it. The expiration not influence it and use it when you have free time to play.

[What do you think? Remove Boosters expiration date?]
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[What do you think, if remove Boosters expiration date will improve economy part of the game and favor more the player?]
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I agree, its an annoying aspect of the game.

The only really good change would be to fire boosters the moment they expire.

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i agree, remove expiry dates as its just a evil in game economy ploy

not at all… If they removed the expiration date, everything works out.