Remove certain maps from Ground RB

I’m sure similar posts have already been created but I’m beyond fed up with these terribly designed maps that the devs refuse to remove or even alleviate.

Certain maps in Ground RB are just plainly terrible designed. Namely Wallonia/Ardennes. Spawning in, then being shot from one spawn to the other is just not good game design, dying in 30 seconds or less is a terrible experience. Then having your spawn being on the downslope of a hill, in plain view by over half the map is just unplayable. One Ardennes version, the tiny version with a single cap in the center is the worst map for top tier possible, one spawn is on top of a hill, they move 5 whole seconds to the right and they can pretty much see into their spawn. The map is so tiny, that no matter what happens, it always end up in one team pushing into the others spawn.

Speaking of which, the spawn protection is nice, but why aren’t the spawn zones an out of bounds zone? The spotted effect does nothing to actually stop the problem, especially when it notifies you if you are being spotted for being too close, which means you tell the opposing team where to sit to freely spawn camp, another great game design which doesn’t help anything.

Many more maps, including American desert, Carpathians, Kursk, Hurtgen Forest, Mozdok, Poland, and Volokolamsk, are all just not good maps that hardly work most of the time and are often times abused by people who do not care about anything but RP and will spawn camp, to no fault of their own. It’s the fact that these maps allow one or either team to siege or look directly into the other spawn regardless of any objectives as those are often ignored anyways. Getting kills give you much more RP than capture zones, and by getting plenty of easy spawn kills means winning the game either way means the objectives don’t really matter when you can just spawn camp instead.

Allow submissions for user made maps, as Gaijin has proven time and time again, that their maps are not well designed, sure we had 3-4 playable maps recently added, but the fact that we have much, much more maps that are so one sided is laughable. Make larger maps, with more protected spawns, add another layer of out-of-bounds closer towards the spawns, and don’t tell the offending player that they are being spotted so they can’t just back up slightly out of the spotting zone and camp there.