I am sorry, but you played 24 battles in BTR80 and you have 0.7 K/D
How do you have “plenty of nukes” in it?
I don’t mean any ill will, i would really want to play BTR 80 as i like this vehicle irl, but i know the vehicle is bad and i don’t really want to torture myself with it, thats why i want to learn how to play it
Due to only 20 games I was stock most of those, with APDS being a final tier mod.
I used it as an SPAA instead of going for ground units sometimes, including air kills the K/D goes from 0.7 → 1.13 which isnt amazing but its alright considering it was stock most of the time.
I uptiered it to 7.7-8.0 quite frequently.
However, when I was playing it at 7.3 and it was fully spaded, it seemed useable. In terms of the “nukes”, I am almost certain I got at least one in it, I remember it was on Eastern Europe and it was mostly from capping.
Perhaps I’ll revisit the vehicle and play it more now I’ve got it spaded so I can get a better idea of how it performs now, however, I can tell you 6.3 is too low.
My personal balancing would be:
Move it to 7.0
Make the APDS a tier 2 mod, tier 4 is ridiculous.
I am also aware that all “low” caliber APDS (including 30mm) is being reworked in the near future, including the 20mm DM63, 30mm RARDEN and 30mm 2A72 APDS. Therefore making too many drastic balance changes at the moment dosen’t make much sense.
The nuke was not while I was stock, it was once I had almost completely spaded the vehicle. Getting a nuke stock would be almost impossible due to the lack of APDS. In my relatively short time playing the vehicle, I did get at least one nuke.
A significant amount of my score will have came from kill assists and caps. If you cannot kill someone, just destroy their tracks/gun and then move on. You will usually get a kill assist later on when they die. This is true for all autocannon vehicles.
As I said earlier I’ll revist the vehicle, as I stopped playing it almost as soon as I spaded it.
It’s fine and I enjoy it. You just need to play it, to it’s strengths. As someone who also plays British vehicles, handles like a bus is nothing new. I’ve gotten use to it’s quirks.
The gun once you actually unlock the APDS is damn good. I target sides, barrels, tracks and light tank/SPAAs.
The turret rotation is a bit slow, but elevation is good enough to handle planes/helos/jets.
it shouldnt necessarily be removed, maybe it could be buffed, like alot of other tanks, a tank cant just be removed, it can be foldered, so its research is halved, it could be buffed, but its a real vehicle, which is in use (as of today) in the ukraine - russia war, so yeah, i dont think it will ever be removed
This vehicle is sorely ruined by Gaijin’s inconsistency. If this vehicle is an SPAA, why not give less SP like every other SPAA? If this vehicle is light tank, why not give stock APDS? They’d know how bad this tank is without proper ammunition
I haven’t gotten a nuke solely by using the BTR- but I have gotten a nuke where the BTR has helped me achieve it, with Italy. Bringing out the BTR with the ZSU-57-2, I managed something like 5 kills with the BTR and 6? with the ZSU to acheive the nuke.
Another way of putting it is this; the BTR has a high skill floor, but a higher skill ceiling. If you know how to play it, its a good vehicle, and in certain situations quite, QUITE dangerous. However, if you don’t know how to play it, it can be quite poor and isn’t worth it (in your opinion).
A high skill ceiling? Higher than Fox? Or higher than XM800T? You cannot even use BTR80A as an anti air vehicle because the elevator is slow as F.
FFS, remove this vehicle or lower the BR (to 6.7 or 6.3 I dunno) plz
When you learn to play around those and use its strengths (unmanned turret, high RoF gun, decent pen) it can be very capable.
The BTR is not like the Fox or XM800T where they have extremely mobility and good firepower, it is a tank which focusses more on playing a support role, which it can do very well.
I think it should go to 7.0 - but honestly at 7.3 its not that bad. I completely agree that removing the vehicle is a ridiculous idea.