This thing is literally a joke. The chassic is as large as a bus. The turret traverse speed is as slow as a medium tank. The cannon has less than half the rate of fire of Rh202. The 30mm APDS doesn’t have enough penetration to differ it from 20mm DM63 APDS. The mobility is far worse than Wiesel, Fox, and probably any autocannon you can come up with. And yet this piece of trash is at 7.3, only 0.4 below Fox, while Fox has much better fire power and much better mobility, as well as a small chassis. Move BTR80A to 6.3(same br with AMX 10P) or simply remove it and add the version with stabilizer at higher BR, plz. Anything wheeled is better than BTR80A, as it’s garbage against either ground targets or air targets.
I’d agree for the model to be changed, moved up, and given a stabilizer + whatever else those other models get.
It carry very little useful ammo, and the zoom is crap too
Honestly I’m not even sure if the stabilized version need high BR. BTR-80A simply have neither the firepower nor the mobility. And its chassis is much larger than wiesel.
Yes, I agree. They should also remove the Obj 685 because its a light tank that is better off being used as a snipe.
So because the BTR-80 is mid means it’s bad?
No, it shouldn’t be removed.
Its probably the worst vehicle i’ve ever used stock (and spaded)
It’s worse than literally every wheeled vehicle in the game (at their current BR, in case AlvisVisla start talking bs again). Its rate of fire, elevation and turret traverse speed make it not suitable for anti air. Its mobility is worse than all other wheeled vehicles at this BR. And again, this thing is as large as a bus.
Fully agree.
Great filler vehicle with a specific playstyle required.
True. One of the most fun vehicle.
All wheeled autocannon carriers require a specific playstyle. And yet, BTR80A has the worst performance among these vehicles. If you think it’s “fun” to play, that’s probably because you are Soviet main and haven’t seen any fast vehicles before (I did not check your service record, btw)
I have experience with all nations, and in recent months I’m playing wirh the hungarian subtree mainly. Im using the BTR both in cold war and in Nato era setup /6.0 -12.0/.
When you learn its advantages, it will be not only fun but effective too.
If you dont like it, use another vehicle. But remove it, absolute overkill.
It shouldn’t be removed. It’s a situational vehicle, if the turn radius were smaller certainly would be more reliable in most scenarios, in the case of the BTR-80A the best strategy is to always be in the move at high speeds.
You have 45% WR and 0.4 k/d on it. Please explain, how is this fun, because i am obviously missing something, as it does not sound fun at all
No reason to remove a mediocre vehicle.
and you’ll notice that vehicles like Wiesel and Fox are much better, while vehicles like ZSL92 are much better at anti air.
No, its not the best but not useless. Not every vehicle can be the best in the br, there are other nations and occasionally they will get something better. Make do or dont play it.
Gajin doesn’t fully understand the difference between 70,80 or 100mm penetration for autocannons.
It might be just 20mm difference in penetration, but it just means everything. There’s a reason why FOX and Falcons are absolutely overpowered vs. ground targets, but Wiesel or BTR are mostly useles.
I’ve got plenty of nukes in the BTR, its a fine vehicle, but could probably go to 7.0