It’s completely reasonable to stop playing arcade
This is what you said. You told him to grind a new nation or relearn the entire game and meta
But you can’t accept dying to artillery once?
when did I say play realistic and play another nation? Also I know this is hard for you to understand, but just because som1 else has an issue with CAS doesn’t mean arty is perfectly fine.
Are you ok?
Tell me exactly where I said and.
It is unreasonable to say “just play a different nation”
If the nation has a bunch of tanks you can’t play then don’t play it. Simple as.
Artillery is killing you, cope about it. Simple as.
I recomend you read what I’ve said.
Can’t even begin to count how many mental instabilities you’re under.
You said or, I repeated it, you accused me of saying and.
Try harder bro
Those are vehicles used by Forward Observers.
I was one for 20 years. With some exceptions, we’re with a tank or infantry company and we are responsible for all their Fire Support needs, like calling in CAS, Arty, mortars, and attack helos.
The BFist, is a Bradley that has a laser designator on it.
Basically, their own purpose would be to provide targeting data. Like a LT except (with exception of Bradley bushmaster) their only offensive output would be arty in this game. All Western nations have similar vehicles, I know Russia would use BRDMs, probably China too.
He doesn’t need to cope, just needs to press “S.” lol
You are correct if you sit in the middle of the woods in field of Normandy or something and don’t do anything aka don’t play the game, then you cannot be spot. When I’m in the sky and I can spot you in many different ways, when you get hit, when you fire your weapon, when you are marked, someone pinged you, and there is nothing you can do to stop me from coming after your ass and bomb you, even if the vehicle you play has 7.0KDR, you will still get bombed and even gods can’t save you.
Pro arty arguments are just stupid ngl.
“just don’t cap points”
“just don’t camp”
“just hold S”
“just look at the smoke and red text”
“just don’t be seen”
“skill issue”
“just don’t sit there”
Okay I don’t usually say this but skill issue. If you just sit there and let it hit you, you could be hit but if you move you don’t get hit case closed. Personally I think they should be more widely spread over a large area.
Plenty of times I’ve seen the smoke, move to farthest spot in the circle, and capped without taking damage.
You just have to be aware and pay attention.
Artillery is an after-thought that you as an … “experienced” Rb player are afraid of?
“Tell me your a camper without saying i” ahh post
You left out the bombed part.
But that’s precious considering it comes from a player who can’t avoid ARTILLERY.
you’re too bad and can’t …
checks notes
Reverse out of the zone to not get hit by artillery and want it removed entirely?
Now what? every time I see a SINGLE smoke I’m supposed to stop and wait it out in a modern MBT?
I just don’t see any reason to remove them tbh.
Yeah. That’s exactly what you’re supposed to do, wait it out lol.
It’s a tactical use, we have a combined arms game, there’s CAS(not a huge fan) and area denial with arty, which is a perfectly reasonable aspect of the game.
It’s “realistic” war game. Artillery is ever present in any conflict. Whether light, heavy or rocket artillery. Luckily it’s not 155’s and only mortars so you can get out of it easily.
I really don’t get why you’re so worked up over a metric that is easily defeated by simply:
checks notes
Not driving through an artillery barrage.
It’s not a missile that’s following you around, it’s has a static strike area. Don’t drive through it, or do, and risk it. Since normally it doesn’t do anything but yellow some components if it even hits you at all.
Not to mention the points they’re hitting with artillery, they ALSO can’t enter, it team kills.
Sorry man but…Ya really drove into that arty, well deserved.
Now what? every time I see a SINGLE smoke I’m supposed to stop and wait it out in a modern MBT?
And yes, your supposed to wait. This is common knowledge but it seems some don’t have it. Soooo now you know.
Me when I literally just walk away from the bomb:
They are specifically talking about AB, the mode where CAS is generally far less powerful then RB.
Drives directly into the “you will die” zone
“nOoOo WhY dId I dIe ThIs Is oP”
what “you will die zone”?
The neon orange smoke…
you mean the single orange smoke? I mean, surely, you’ve been playing long enough to know arty strikes have 4