Exactly what the topic says. It is absolute insanity that one player can get two kills then get a heli for six more free ones. No one has AA in 30 seconds after the start of a match so dont even try that excuse. This is essentially gaijin approved cheating.
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I don’t play ground AB… But I’d put money down that there are people who spawn AA that fast…
Why remove useless things? If people want to waste spawning that’s their decision.
This is GAB, so SP doesnt exist. Personally I think ATGM helis are fine - very good with nothing up, but when any AA/Derp Gun exists fhey go down quickly.
That’s why I said what I said, ground arcade is the game mode to main SPAA in so it’s more likely to be present.
Lol if you dont have spaa on your team then it is your issue.
Me, trying to use the SIDAM 25 at 9.3 because I don’t have access to anything better until 9.7: I’m the problem?