Remove all aspects from 10.0 a10/su25

These were already kinda miserable in ARB, now they are effectively in the reserve tier of the new 10+ BR range and will never see a downtier again (there is no 10.0 aircraft in the MM anymore).

They would be 1000x more fun to play without them and at a lower BR were they cant club or be clubbed.

Or even better make it so you can toggle the missles on/off in the modifications menu and that switches between 2 different BRs.


That would streamline so many things but I guess that would take time away from modelling the next Russian premium.


Where dokyumient comrade? Prove it.

But I don’t know what are you doing with a Strike Aircraft in Air Matches,

Is just like playing bomber in 8.0, is worthless, unless people really helps you to bomb targets instead of just pointing the plane straight and leave it on 100% throttler.




they will be nothing but food with the new MM. At least bombers can defend themselves.

The only gimmick they have is killing flareless planes, which they will never see after next week.

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So maybe problem is the new MM? Not vehicles and it’s loadouts.

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Poor airframes with good missles inherently will never be balanced.

They can kill planes with flares decently well. A10 can do pretty well in a 1v1

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They are not the best to fight with in Air RB, but most people grind out in air rb or arcade to use them in ground rb. There is no reason to remove anything from them. you suffer in air rb so you can make others suffer in ground rb. if you dont play ground rb, then dont fly strike aircraft that are subsonic

  • F8U-2
  • F8E(FN)
  • Mirage IIIC
  • Mirage IIICJ
  • Mirage 5F
  • Nesher

Honestly, 9.7BR aircraft may move to 10.0BR with the next BR change such as MiG-21SPS-K, Mitsubishi T-2 etc.

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Oh no an enemy plane with no flares, whatever will I do? (Clicks one button) haha die trash, git gud


both planes have those aa missles in RL and even lack some ingame, so cry me a river

That is absoltut bullshit. It doesn’t make sense the make something bad in air rb but instead OP in ground rb. What we need is balancing. We all want to grind and we all know the suffering so why u want to let the oher good players suffer cuz they can’t really do anything against an OP vehicel. I don’t care about skill issue players which bought themself up to high/top tier and then complain about the game. But the player who suffered with none premium stuff and are some kinda good shouldn’t suffer and should be able to only fight balanced vehicels.

Doesn’t make it fair that it faces planes that dont even have flares… But go off, all-aspect crutcher.


Its completely unfair that planes without flares have to fight all-aspect missiles. If you defend them, you’re probably a really trash player who has to crutch these all-aspect missiles for the free kills they give.

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This game is not fair at all, is not a su25 or an a10 problem, most of the times when you play those planes in ARB u get +10 br where u are a free kill and you cant do anything about it, both planes with the exception of the last su25 version sucks in ARB and even in GRB sometimes due to the sam spam.

Multiple balancing actions are taken per year. Lets not act like this game is intentionally unbalanced.

So that means you should be able to fire all-aspect missiles at korean war jets that cant even defend against them??

skill issue?

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I agree that their BR should be raised, however I personally do not agree with the idea of removing something from some vehicle for balancing reason. It is what it is and it should be realistic, and it is BR there to compensate if they are OP or something.

I play a lot of aircraft with no CM around that BR because I enjoy the low BR. Some of them like the F4C and Mirage3C is not even that bad.

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I do belive you have a daddy issue

They can? Since when?