Removal of Crew Lock

Why are you even posting here to begin with


Random no name premium retard rams into you, you get crew locked. Server crashes, you get crew locked. Game ends too quick, you get crew locked (lol)


I guess that works but it doesn’t make it any less annoying

if the game ends quickly you don’t get crew locked, crew lock only last 10 min or until the mission ends

Can’t get crew-locked if you run a 1 vehicle line-up.
Taps forehead

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Has happened to me multiple times

strange then as its not supposed to happen

They will leave anyway and specially if they have another nation to play to. Mby its reducing some and reducing crashes at realistic air, mby. Still, its bad mechanice i think

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Left match after 12 mins of game and 4 deaths… 9 minutes of crew lock
Left match after 9 mins with 3 deaths and nothing left to spawn… 6min crew lock#
Left match after 3 deaths only SPAA with nothing on it to spawn in a game with less than 1k points left…9 min crew lock

Those are just from the 15 geames I played today.

Crewlock should be removed. It does not work. Not a single player stayed in a match longer because of crewlock. Most people i know have 4 to 5 nations under lock at any given time they play.
Then there are the countless bugs.
It just prevents you from playing the game. Punishes you for gaijins inability to make a game which people want to respawn ing and it DOES NOT reduce leaving of matches in any way shape or form and never will be able to.

Simple as that

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Be a new player
Buy top tier premium
Bring nothing else
Spawn once
Make the game worse for everyone
No crew lock.

Be an actual player
Grind out tech tree after 5 years
Bring an entire lineup
Team of premium players all left, outnumbered now
Get overrun by the enemy
Get spawncamped
Get bombed by CAS
Get shot by heli ATGM
Crew lock
Don’t get rewarded for your time
Less SL and RP as the one death leaver
Repaircosts bleeding all your earnings
Waste of itme
Buy premium vehicle instead
Spawn once, die, leave.

What amazing game design.

Imagine anyone defending this.


I dont get it, when I used to play tanks I never got crew lock unless I left battle very early…

You must be doing something wrong…

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You’re right. People with a single tank lineup definitely should be crew locked.


Like said above…i guess nobody defends what you mention…
I believe BOTH should be crewlocked…
BUT…guys that buy premium SHOULD be able to research the rank they bought premium for…buying a premium at BR8 (or any) and having to research everything from 1.0 up makes no sense to me.

My point is that players leave games far too easily…and any issue they have with game is a “reason”…

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No one should be crewlocked, it’s a stupid mechanic that exists to control progression, it has absolutely nothing to do with some sort of moral stance to punish people that leave the game and everything with preventing people from progressing faster than snail wants.

A good game dev would look at why people leave and then address those issues so they people will not leave, a bad game dev would look at people leaving and punish them from doing so because they think their game is perfect and flawless and if people leave it’s because they’re bad people.

My point is that players leave games far too easily…and any issue they have with game is a “reason”…

Good thing the game gives them a plethora of reasons… somehow it’s not a standard across gaming that people do this, somehow it’s standard in Warthunder… well I guess it must be the players that are the problem eh.

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I dont think it has anything to do with progression. If you get crewlocked you can simply go and play another nation while the first is locked. Crewlock will only limit progression if you play a lot and quit even more…or if you want to play a single nation.
It is obvious to me that this “progression” effect is not by design but a side-effect…if they wanted to block progression there would be much easier ways…

Not even the best dev in the world can solve human nature and conflicting opinions. There are maps, modes and other stuff that some players like and others don’t. And there are LOTS of players that quit just because some minor detail isn’t what they wanted…or they were killed in a way the didn’t like.

THAT SAID…there are LOTS of stuff devs could improve. IMHO economy is not as it should be, even considering game has to make a profit.

BUT in terms of crewlock, i actually think they MAKE IT TOO EASY TO QUIT. I played team sports…players would not quit because they were losing bad, the ref was stealing, the opponent was too rough or many other good reasons…there was “social” pressure to “play to the end, no matter what”…and online gaming makes it the other way…“I play only what i want”…which does not work well on a team game.

There was an example on an older topic that sums it up to me…a guy was actually saying he quitted games due to too many ODL players !!!

Agree on this, especially for GRB and arcade. Making 3k off a 9 kill game in GAB is wack.

My issue with crew lock is with how it’s implemented, specifically it’s not crew lock, it’s nation lock.

For example, naval and ground don’t share crews in any way, but you can’t switch to navy while your crew is locked for some reason. It’s very annoying.

I dont think it has anything to do with progression. If you get crewlocked you can simply go and play another nation while the first is locked.

Okay, and what does it do when you play a second nation? It cuts your progression in half and makes you invest in more than one tech tree, meaning it will take twice as long to get to the end.

If you wanted to punish people for leaving why is the crew lock tied to a match duration? It’s hardly a penalty in that sense… you could have made it a flat 10 -20 minute if you actually wanted to discourage someone.

Snail clearly relies heavily on earnings per minute and has RP caps on matches, they have a set amount of time for progressing through a tree… so the crew lock system prevents you from progressing beyond that as you cannot play 2 matches in a short time span which might allow you to bypass those restrictions.

Not even the best dev in the world can solve human nature and conflicting opinions.

Sure, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t even attempt it, especially when a lot of the issues are a direct consequence from game design, ODL wasn’t a thing back in the day and still isn’t at many BRs in the game, it’s a major issue at top tier because this is the playstyle that is sold and promoted, which isn’t even a player issue but a design issue, yet the players get crew locked because of a nasty mindset where snail perceives themselves to be above the players, to know better than the players and to not be capable of wrongdoings.

…a guy was actually saying he quitted games due to too many ODL players !!!

This is what a game looks like after literally 2-3 minute of playtime, if you’re the guy at the top just playing the game, you die and then see it’s 4 v 12… of course you’re likely going to leave, and get a crew lock as a reward.

And this is just a random screenshot from the one game of GRB I played week, this isn’t a cherry picked example, this is the standard.

In my opinion, crew lock is fine, but it needs to be progressive. I’ve met numerous ppl who even leave game immediately before first spawn, cuz they play against specific nation, got +1 BR MM or so. They have to be progressive. If you leave once, then you get whatever like 8-9 minutes. In same week period you leave like that once again, cooldown 1 hour. Next time 6 hours, Next time 12 hours and so on. I don’t care about you, I’m tired of loosing, because some smarta$$ decided he’s not in the mood to fight vs japan or so.

For those who have single tank lineup and leave after single death? Simple. If he does not achieve specific score (let’s say 1 base cap or 2 kills), freeze crew for 5 mins. Make it progressive as well, maybe not that harsh like the ones who have full lineup and refuse to play.

Couple weeks ago, when the sale was, I was playing 8.0 sweden and I had 43 games LOOSING STREAK. Every single game I was the only one who lasted more than 2 minutes, being always on top of the scoreboard. But I always received less rewards, because I was always in the loosing team. My wr of that br bracket was 20%. This premium 1 tank line up meta is so broken, gotta fix it.

Also wanted to add onto second paragraph. If person who has single tank lineup and dies and leaves, currently he continues this cycle like parasite, he still gets few rp and progression. If crew lock penalties would be introduced, it would motivate to perform better. It will give time to think what they did wrong and how to be better. Also it will reduce such 1 tank 1 death spam.