Reintroduce Hullbreak

Here is 105mm heatfs.

Any shot that hits the crew compartment over pressures it.

Let me guess, alien? It DEFINITELY doesn’t coincide with a misfire and cookoff.

Reverse image search says that it is a m109 that was hit by a lancet. No clue which variant though.

In my opinion if Gaijin ever reimplements hull break they should get rid of the categorisation of “hullbreakable vehicles” and “non-hullbreakable vehicles”.
Hull break should rather happen dependent on the caliber and the armour layout of the vehicle you’re shooting at. So that, as in your example a 37mm HE round of an Ostwind wouldn’t trigger hull break on a PT-76. Only if the caliber is large enough, the ammo type allows it and you hit a vulnerable zone of the enemy tank.


What caused that damage? It looks like something hit it and a massive energetic impact caused the hull to collapse.

I thought we agreed, you really need to work on your communication skills.

Highly explosive rounds was exactly what I wasn’t talking about. Or does the IS-6 shoot heatfs rounds?

I think it kinetic energy would be suitable for that. The less armor and the higher the caliber, the higher the kinetic energy.
Btw back when hullbreak was a thing, it would only get triggered by rounds bigger than 75mm (not sure about the exact number), so it being triggered by low caliber rounds is completely out of debate.

I was doing this to show the guy that posted about 152mm heatfs say that it did not damage. I probably should of quoted him. My bad.

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…‘no armor is the best armor’… and yes i support your idea Reintroduce Hullbreak really need it


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We definitely need a feature where vehicles don’t have the advantage of being less armored.
Gaijin always considers paper armor a disadvantage - and yes, in certain situations it can be. But there are just as many situations where paper armor helps you.
Gaijin should, in my opinion, create an environment where paper armor is actually a disadvantage instead of just pretending it is.

I think a good idea would be modeling the kinetic energy impact. Sure it may produce little spall, but there’s still an energy transfer. Maybe it could damage components like turret drives, transmissions, etc. Another thing would be large caliber impacts on things that can’t be penetrated. If you shoot a volumetric portion of a turret ring and it doesn’t pen, the energy transfer should at least do some damage.

Except that paper armor can literally be an advantage in real life as well? I don’t know where this myth is coming from that a tank round hitting something lightly armored should just always destroy it, but that’s just not how it works.
Because the armor was thin, the penetrator didn’t break apart at all, and neither caused much spalling, and so it exited out the other side barely doing anything. Sure, anyone sitting in the way would have had a very bad time, but the vehicle definitely wasn’t destroyed by it.
Kinetic penetrators only “do something”, when they have a way to transfer their kinetic energy into something. Armor that puts up barely any resistance also only absorbs a tiny fragment of the round’s energy, and so not much damage is done.

However, thin armor plates will break much faster irl.
In addition, the structural durability of the entire vehicle is likely to be much lower than the one of medium or heavy tanks.

One very important thing you have to keep in mind is that irl modules cause a lot a spalling and shattering, too. This is not represented ingame which profits slightly armored vehicles more than any other.

The game is not a complete representation for real life because of gameplay reasons, so should hullbreak be.


I agree. Just look at how survivable TAM is compared to its MBT cousin.

They should take the naval flooding mechanism, give light tanks a hull health, and adapt it to ground; “flooding” should result in instant death (cus the naval system is inconsistent)

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HESH definitely needs hull break


I said this before but vehicles, yes, vehicles should not survive anything with enough HE. We need hull break for light trucks and the such. We have vehicles like Pantsir surviving things it shouldn’t.



No damage to crew at all! If this had been a ItO90 or ADATS it would have had everyone taken out.

This, absolutely. Why should an arbitrary list of “light vehicles” which can be heavier than MBTs (looking at things like the PUMA and Nesher) be instantly destroyed due to damage of the vehicle’s exterior? Sure that’s realistic, heavy damage to a vehicle will completely knock it out even if the crew is unharmed. But this is still a game where you can completely swap the drivetrain, tracks, armament, and literally every other internal component in 30 seconds! The only way I see hull-break as a good implementation is if it applies to all vehicles and also repairs (and by extension crew replenishment) are disabled. But I expect very, very few would want to play such a hardcore mode, considering even just Sim has so fewer players over RB.
Plus you know overpressure already takes care of light vehicles, if people learned to simply take the 5 holy HE/HESH they wouldn’t have any problem with “no armour best armour”.

100000000% yes. Its crazy when you smack a BMP with 165 or 183mm HESH only to get a “HIT”