I know what some of you who got triggered by this topic are thinking right now, so let me make one thing clear; I think that hullbreak, as it was in the game already, was terrible. I do not want a revive of these mechanics as they were. I just believe Gaijin shouldn’t give up on it just because the way it was implemented the last time was a failure. Hullbreak is simply a too essential mechanic for that.
I mean there is many points that speak for these mechanics:
- Balance:
Without Hullbreak, we now have a situation where light armored vehicles can withstand more damage than was originally intended. This has led to a “paper armor meta” where vehicles that should be destroyed by a single hit can survive multiple hits, making gameplay frustrating for many players. Reintroducing hull-break could help restore this balance.
Here is an extreme example for what goes wrong:
The only spots where the Pzgr. 43 of the Jagdtiger (18s reload at best) will fuse and reliably one-shot the M109 from the front are these 2:
You have to scratch the gun breech so the round won’t get stuck and will fuse. Not a single heavy tank at this BR is as hard to eliminate, this balancing issue would be compensated by the hull break mechanic.
This also applies to other big APHE rounds like the Russian 122mm ones.
You have to aim pixel perfect or the M109 will either be able to shoot back or retreat.
- Realism:
The hullbreak mechanic simulates the real-life phenomenon where light tanks and vehicles can structurally fail due to the impact of large-caliber projectiles.
Here is an illustration of the discrepancy between War Thunder and real life:
This is all that happens when you shoot a lightly armored vehicle in the engine block in War Thunder:
Engine dead
This is what hullbreak would represent (same impact as above, just a few frames further):
the entire front of the vehicle breaks apart + the whole vehicle bends a little bit
The round that obliterated the car like that was a 105mm AP round fired from a M60.
Here is the video if you want to see it in motion: https://youtu.be/pFSIu7CyawI?si=4Qwu57NQvrohUOBp
- Fun Factor:
Many players, including myself, found it satisfying when a large caliber round would actually do it’s job and one-shot lightly armored vehicles. One-shotting is what these high caliber and reload guns are made for and rely on. The possibility of one-shotting is what makes the long reloading time bearable.
Again, I know how bad hullbreak was back in the days, I do not want this, too:
I think the aim should be to try a nerfed variant of hullbreak that doesn’t get triggered by hitting any part of the vehicle. There should be additional standards, like the round having to hit a big module with a certain kinetic energy etc.
Edit: Ofc, even though this post was only about APHE and AP rounds, other rounds like HESH would finally perform the way they should, too.