Reintroduce Hullbreak

So you agree with me?

No lmao
Just use HE/HESH/HEAT and any vehicle that would have been hull broken will be overpressured

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Hullbreak was the shittest mechanic out of all time of WT, it wasn’t fun to be vapourized by some random shot of apfsds into the corner of your Centauro hull. Better improve overpressure and damage models (which Gaijin already slowly do by the introduction of more detailed internals).

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not as easy when you have a gigantic reload. That just makes paper tanks two shot kills what they shouldn’t be.

pls read my full post


I mean you agree with me that it was broken before, don’t you?

Yeah, and thats why it was replaced with Overpessure. End of story. No need to return it, in any form.

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Agreed, even though the mechanic was implemented horribly, it made tanks roles feel somewhat more in line with what they were as you did not have light spg’s and td’s running about knowing full well they were near invulnerable to the largest guns aiming at them.


Like naval machinery, when the armor suffers enough damage, then will get hull breaks or nerf the armor strength

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Exactly, this could add more ways of playing as well were overtime you may even be able to pen a target with consecutive shots that otherwise would be invulnerable.

Hole bake


I would be totatlly in favor of reintroducing some sort of high impact/hull break mechanic to light vehicles. I’m tired of firing PARS or other AGMs that have enough HE filler to blow up an entire truck cabin into pieces only to destroy a radiator and engine, and have it not mean anything.

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I feel like the modules on lught vehicles do a lot to help with them sponging shots, as you can often take out something important even if you don’t finish them outright.

The issue comes in that only some vehicles have these new internal modules, and those without are often tankier than they should be.

What a nice example of hullbreak. ☻
It’s a shame this is not represented ingame.
Ingame that hit would just have been another over penetration, killing only 2 crew-members.

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Thats not damage from a Shot.

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Yes I absolutely agree. The overpressure mechanic does the same thing hullbreak did, but only for chemical shells.
We need hull break for kinetic shells


You’re right, instead a 152mm HEAT shell should be doing THIS

No, thats not even how it works. And as far as i know there arent even any 152mm HEAT rounds in service anymore.


I couldn’t care less what 152mm HEAT rounds are in service, the M109 faces 152mm heat and is able to take a hilarious amount of them without dying in some cases.

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You are delusional and have no idea what you are talking about and seeing stuff into pictures that are not what is seen. That damage is not from a Shot, nor heat.

Its really not worth answereing here again, the whole subject isnt worth it, Hullbreak was and still is bad, no need to return it, nor do the Devs plan to.