Reducing Swedish Pain at Rank VII

Nice one, but honestly, how in the F***

Like i said gaijin employee

Oh… god damn it… it doesn’t take into account the BR of a broke vehicle… that’s why…

that’s just stupid.

I repaired the AJS:

Now where was i oh right, go ahead and point to the class where the 10.7 swedish ground lineup is?

I made it just for you don’t worry only the finest of 10.7 ground vehicles have been selected.

No need to be a douche man.
I obviously wrote 10.3 ground and not 10.7 as well as got not only misinformed on how CAS BR worked but also mislead by Gaijins god awful UI.

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Nah its all good though you have given me a very dumb challenge to try and get 10 kills with these vehicles at 10.7

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We are talking 1 to 3 months of grind using a Rank VII plane vs. 6 months to a year using Rank V. Not worth it. I have minimal time to play per week and I have to maximize earnings every game.

Then Mig-21 is ABSOLUTELY the way to go.

Keep in mind the relatively big leap in skill and knowledge required from the J34 to the Mig-21.

Look at some youtube videos on how to dodge IR missiles well and how radars/SAHR missiles work.


I have Rank VII in the US tree so I’m marginally capable.


What plane?

Because the jump from 10.7 strike to 11.3 fighter can still be somewhat of a jump.

I saw that you had the most games in the F-5C.

The Mig-21 is going to play sort of similarly but with the addition of radar functionality (most importantly radar slaving of IR seeker and radar missiles).

It’s VERY nimble and turns on a dime even at slower speeds and accelerates quite a bit more compared to the F-5C.

i feel you, im spading thr FRS1 harrier at 11.3 right now, its a BR higher than the tech tree one because it has two more missiles and nothing more. i have to face mirages stealing my bases and MIG 23 and 21s blasting me out of the sky. america got nerfed around that BR but its still hellishly tedious

Sort of. But not really. The MiG bleeds speed like crazy while pulling insane AoAs. If you can utilize that fact you’re golden but must refrain from getting tangled up with any fighter that can turn sustained cuz you’ll stall out

Sure, but i wrote in comparison to the F-5C :)
Using 50% fuel, 2 missiles on outer pylon, after burner on, i got to 800km/h and turned 180degrees in both planes at max G turn, both planes bled about as much.

The mig accelerates crazy faster though so if you stop turning the mig gets up to speed again WAY faster than the F-5C the player is used to at that rank.

In general i personally use the mig-21 in a way where i turn on a dime to get a missile/shot off and then disengage from the turn fight to accelerate away, flare missiles and help a teammate in his turn fight. Rince and repeat.

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AJ 37 is all you need to dominate the Swedish Rank 7 and 8 air forces. It holds the undisputed title of the fastest aircraft at approximately BR 10.3, even when carrying a maximum payload. With 16 bombs at your disposal, you can decimate an entire base. There’s no point in investing time into other air superiority fighters.

Its 10.7 not 10.3 anymore which means it plays 11.3 a ton rn, tho the j35d plays a lot of 9.7 while at 10.3 though its more like 2 9.7 planes and the rest are a10 and su25

MiG-21, Im not one to talk on the Bis’s performance but its a lot better than the J35D as it sits at 10.3 no flares and doesnt get its rockets stock (which from my experience in the J35A arent very reliable)

Well I sort of started off marginally well with the MIG-21bis with a very hard move to “meh” vs the Phoenix spam. I may or may not get it eventually. I’ll post stats at some point.

Grind with the AJ 37, its not great but also not bad aslo doesn’t fight aim 54 so big +

Or the F-35 Draken (NOT STEALTH FIGHTER AHH) it’s the one that the danish used, it was modified for 2 1000 pound bomb hard points and a lot of other stuff I can’t remember. Hopefully that could stop all the copium bc people can’t rocket based in the XS anymore.

Also when announced it would be super funny because everyone would think it was the stealth fighter.