Reducing Swedish Pain at Rank VII

oh sure, the JAS39 is WAY better but the AJS37 is fairly ok since it got its BR in Ground lowered to 10.7 where you can now play it in the 10.3 ground lineup whereas before you had to use it at 11.7 if you wanted to do CAS.

Idk, been playing the F15 recently and the gripens are pretty mid, ive killed more then died to them, though it may just be do to the UFO nature of the low speed f15 FM

If you haven’t tried the f15 yet its pure sex

Could you point to the swedish 10.7 ground lineup for the class?

i wrote 10.3 ?

Was more pointing the fact that again it doesnt have an actual of BR lineup. 10.7 plays more 11.7 than 9.7 and 10.3 plays an equal amount of 9.3 to 10.3 from my experience, just doesnt seem worth it for a worthless CAS plane.

you can bring it for a 10.3 though. you can bring CAS that is 0.3 BR above the tanks without it increasing the BR for the matchmaker.

Like this

(i don’t have the Leopard 2A4 in the lineup because i haven’t bought a crew for it but in this case it would go in the last slot)

I’m wrong, trying to figure out why it says 10.3 though…

How does one fly the J29A properly? I’ve been struggling with it lately and the ‘‘decompression’’ of 8.3-8.7 hasn’t helped my case, I have died countless times to jet planes that are leagues better than my own…

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I just set mine up and thats not how it works

How much did you feed the snail! Tell me

it works for me though? i added an image.

Just saw your image, it says 10.3 at the top?

Im just saying, thats never been how it works, i actually dont know what type of magic youve been given

I don’t know what to tell you man, that’s what i’ve been told since i learnt it a few months back and it has worked for me?

If you have the vehicles then try putting 10.3 ground and the AJS37 in there and see what you get?

Thats the neat part, you dont. Sweden at the jet age doesnt just fit anyone. You have to find the sweetspot and what works with you. I personally know exactly what i can and cant fight and i always stay with a teammate if i can help it. I recommend the Saab 105G since its a bit higher br but imo easier to learn. The biggest thing is flying and dying, try different strategies lesrn how your opponent flies. Sorry if this doesn’t help much.

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Ive done it before on accident and ive never not had a full uptier when doing that.

I’m really curious now, do i have some sort of bug?

Could you please put a 10.3 lineup and the AJS37 and see if you get different BR?

Here it is again

could you try it with 10.3 and AJS?

mine does the same as yours at other BR’s but not with the AJS and i wonder why.

The leopards i dont keep on my lineup outside of the last 4k rp needed to get all four rows of rp off the fin 2a4

Well i’m obviously wrong here but why does mine say 10.3?

Literal gaijin employee caught in the act of using bias

This guy right here officer

Get him spoingus