Reduce Multipathing for Active Radar Homing (Fox 3) Missiles in Air-Simulator Game Mode

you mean nobody except the entire team doing the same exact movement and everyone just being a blob? because if you break off you just end up dead lmao, literally just observe where your teammates go on any top tier match, if even 3 people break from the huge S formation its a miracle lol.
of course nobody is literally forcing you, but going against the grain will usually just lead to your untimely death


so what if I dont want to do circles around the airfield like in NASCAR and want to get into some dogfights and IR missile range instead? I get slammed by a fox 3 because I didnt ‘go with the flow’

you do realize if you dont want to deal with radar missiles you can also just y’know… play lower ranks where they arent prevalent? go play 10.0 if you don’t wanna deal with modern missiles, technology advances, either you adapt or you stay in the past, its that simple


Fox 3 will anyway be in single brakcet. That wont be downtiered most of days. So planes will be playable as ther were untill 12.0.

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If you truly think everyone will be flying perfect race track patterns like that, I’m not sure what to say. It was simply for illustration my dude.

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you can just go play DCS if you want omegaLARP

Actually I can’t because laptop and mouse won’t let me


Calling missiles that exist portrayed with their realistic capabilites an “unfun mechanic” is just such a braindead take, the truth is people like you simply don’t want to learn how to counter radar missiles, “why should i have to learn to notch or properly defend? i should just be given a safety blanket where im invulnerable to enemy missiles!”. like i said in another comment, if you don’t wanna face radar missiles (which are a part of the kit of all modern planes) maybe you should just stick to lower BR’s where that technology isn’t there.


Yeah absolutely no shame in not enjoying bvr meta - there are many wt players who dont like jets or supersonics and stay playing at br’s they enjoy the most. But its not ok to hold up the realistic progression of the game just to satisfy your own interests. Besides the fact that people who are scared of multipathing seriously underestimate just how easy it is to defend against missiles without abusing mutipathing. All it takes is some basic knowledge of the enemy missiles threat ranges so you can judge when to start defending to avoid breaching the MAR, and some basic knowledge of kinematic defense techniques.

I’ve been going to alt doing bvr in air rb(cause people actually do bvr there) without even using chaff ever since the early phantoms, and manage to stay alive with this one simple trick - dont fly head on into the incoming missile. Just by respecting the MAR, some basic cranking, mixing in going cold and defending into thicker air where needed - it’s brain dead easy to defeat any radar missile in game, even ER’s at altitude aren’t an issue. And all fox3’s coming this patch are even easier to defeat then the meta bvr missiles we’ve been dealing with already. All it takes it to watch some vid’s - its not hard and even the most braindead lobotomite WT player could manage to learn how to defend themselves simply by turning around.


It’s really funny to me that the people who are against this multipathing change clearly have that opinion simply because they want a free pass to ignore enemy radar weapons entirely, and basically all of them have never played sim, the mode where this is most relevant and which the suggestion is supposed to be for.


Its always the case with sim threads, rb players come in without even reading the post all the time


Its also funny how everybody acts like people have 0 ability to learn and whole game will die of they change this.


Dealing with missiles in War Thunder is already much easier than DCS, where countermeasures have a % chance of actually working… DCS is basically a digital museum where you spend +$60 for a full fidelity module so you can slap RedForce planes that are barely a threat.

People who play War Thunder do so because it’s their choice, not because they are always looking for a realistic alternative (as “realistic” as a bunch of DCS mechanics are).

I don’t have a full setup to play DCS, i don’t think 98% of War Thunder players have the hardware or even patience to get into DCS; I don’t feel like spending two entire weeks reading a plane’s manual just so i can take off;

Also, the economy in Simulator mode has been butchered heavily over and over. The players who still consistently play Sim, do so because it’s their choice, and because it’s the only gamemode that offers the realism they want, on their favorite videogame.

I want a multipath rework for Sim, so hopefully i never see Denmark, Sinai and Tunisia on 70% of the lobbies where the entire enemy team sees you with their radars and full send it towards you from 60Km away in afterburner, just to die to an AIM-9M / R-73 / Dogfight you will never be able to negate.


That is also another thing, Multipathing is abused so often in simulator mode, that BVR actually is somehow more common in RB, flat maps like Denmark or Sinai simply don’t allow BVR fights because everyone just hugs the ground all the time, this makes it so all engagements end up in a head-on, then merge, then dogfight.
Radar missiles just end up being completely useless in these maps, having an R27ER doesnt matter when it will literally never hit because of multipathing, this is why you will see tons of people carrying only IR missiles.


yep exactly


I wouldn’t be againts the nerf of the multipath effect if the maps were bigger, they already feel too small at toptier

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Because you, myself, and everyone else keeps doing this.


I think they feel way smaller than they are because the meta is literally to fly in a straight line at M1.2 low to the ground, towards enemy airfields. Even 1 or 2 FOX 3 encounters will have you slow down and turn away/go cold.


I also feel they are too small, but the main reason for this (i think) is because, in flat maps like the ones i mentioned, the entire enemy team can see your location at all times, since all aircraft at top tier have very powerful radars now.

So having a super big map with no terrain you can use to sneak around is what makes them feel small. This is one of the reasons why i like EC maps like Spain, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Rocky Canyon; they are big enough with a decent amount of terrain you can use for cover.

If you add a 200Km map with zero terrain, it’s literally more of the same.


200km isnt that much larger than we currently have