Reduce Multipathing for Active Radar Homing (Fox 3) Missiles in Air-Simulator Game Mode

I still believe that what I percieve to be the negative impact of this change would have on gameplay be felt if it only applied to FOX-3 missiles, however I believe some of the balance issues wouldn’t exist, which is fair. I still believe that the IR slinging furball, in which you have the ability to react and defend without putting yourself in an entirely disadvantageous position is preferable to a situation in which the first person to launch a FOX 3 in an engagement is at an overwhelmingly superior position to their target.

As to the fact that the thread exists for simulator battles, I cannot speak to how it would affect the gameplay in simulator specifically since I do not play regularly and have not played at high tiers in SB, however I do believe that some of my concerns would still be relevant to sim battles players, and that a change applied to the performance of missiles in sim may also be applied to those missiles in realistic.


This is the sim community we’re talking about. Some days we only have 80-100 players total in all of air sim throughout the lobbies, although it’s gotten better recently.

This is not a thread for RB, I’m not trying to change that. Based off some of the (very few) negative responses I’m very skeptical they’ve even read my post. The other guy hadn’t even touched top-tier air sim ever.


Whether or not you are trying to change it, suggesting that you are using Air-SB as a play-test sets off alarm bells for me that a change like this would not be limited to sim.

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Sure. You’ll be happy to hear devs are not in favor of it currently, however it’s never been brought up as a feature for sim. They are also able to switch it on/off or change it for different game-modes, they recently did turn off ground radar multipath for simulator exclusively IIRC.

I wouldn’t worry too much about it coming to RB. Sim EC and Air RB are two VERY different game-modes, and Gaijin is aware of this. For RB I honestly don’t see how you guys are going to get much resemblance of real life when you’re being funneled into 16v16 games like cattle and all spawn at the same time on the same airfield… In sim EC, games can last 3+ hours, there are 3 airfields you can spawn at, maps are 128x128km, you can leave/join at any time and there’s no crew lock.

With all due respect, I’d like to keep this thread to simulator discussion as It’s too much to ask of anyone to try to justify balancing a feature like multipath for 2, very very different game-modes.


This change would somehow make top tier sim even worse than it already is. On the deck, instead of just worrying about smokeless missiles, there’s now ARHs from halfway across the map to worry about!

Reducing/removing multipath wouldn’t make players climb more. You’re harder to spot on the deck, and it’s less work to defeat radar missiles.

Also, reducing/removing multipath would just let people min range ARHs on the deck and get free kills or, at worst, trade because ARHs still track after you’re dead.

You’re free to climb and spam ARHs at Chinese airfield bombers and other DCS BVR larpers, but the deck should always be a counter to your shitty, unfun mechanic.

War Thunder isn’t and will never be the game to live out your BVR fantasies. Just go play DCS, man.


I entirely agree. 30 - 60 meters, as well as a much weaker effect. This may still allow the occasional missile to be nullified in rare cases and encouraging BVR.


I think the maps in War Thunder are too small for actual BVR gameplay and the lack of some actual terrain would make it that much more difficult to defend.
I mean how far apart from each other are airfields on average, 100km?
In my opinion removing the multipathing effect would negatively affect gameplay and just make the game less fun and turn it into DCS at home.

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Reducing multipath on Sim would actually grant a LOT of planes an actual chance of denying the merge to AIM-9M spammers, planes with UFO flight models, or planes that have both.

For players who want to still abuse multipath, there’s maps like Denmark, Tunisia, Dover Strait, all the variations of Stalingrad, Smolensk and Sinai.


What are u on about, the sim section of the forum always has people talking lmao. And previous multipathing threads specific to the sim community have indeed had the large majority of sim players in favour of realistic multipathing changes consistently - compared to rp multipathing threads where it is more contentious.

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128km x 128km maps are big enough… for now.


Also, with every single player in RB taking off at the same time, reaching the center of the map at the same time, doing BVR at the same time, is likely the main reason why the reduction of multipath would be a clownfest for Air RB.

The whole gamemode barely allows for any kind of strategic or spontaneous gameplay because of these reasons, you just hug the deck and clap eachother with IRCCM missiles (which, by the way, we are only going to get stronger IR missiles in the future)


There is room to climb, shoot at targets 30 miles away, crank, then defend cold, recommit and the cycle repeats. This is BVR.

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yeah besides the fact that its 16v16 on tiny ass maps - rb would need more drastic changes before multipathing could be lowered in a balanced way

I’m sick and tired of this


that looks so incredibly boring

Can not agree more with OP, watching as AIM-7s willingly go dumb against lawnmowing targets needs to go at least in sim.


Truly. What is even the point of getting new, more modern and dangerous planes with better avionics and radars; or even more modern radar missiles with even better range and seekers, if all the enemy has to do is fly under 100m from the ground and negate an entire combat doctrine?

I just want to actually utilize the full potential of the aircraft i fly; not just fly mindlessly towards my target to get a zero effort AIM-9M kill on Sim.

I would also love to fly other planes with sub-par flight performance like the Tornados and Phantoms, and feel like i actually have a fighting chance against better aircraft.


The worst part is that in RB its even worse, its just this every single top tier match:


no one is forcing you to go left

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the snail forces everyone to go left - it is known