Red camouflage for the M13/40 (II) used by the Polizia di Stato.

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Red camouflage for the M13/40 (II) used by the Polizia di Stato.


After the end of the Second World War, Italy was restricted from having or producing tanks. The tanks that still existed were obsolete, and to avoid wasting them without making any money or something similar, it was decided to reuse them in the Rapid Units of the Italian State Police. Among the tanks used by the police departments, the old M13/40 II Serie stand out, with the possibility of operating well in urban areas against possible armed militants… After several years of use, towards the mid-1950s, the tanks was probably scrapped.

The camouflage.

The tank were painted a pink-reddish red color specifically used by vehicles used by the police force. This color was chosen both for its uniqueness and for its high visibility in city traffic and also to cover the old camouflage colors of the vehicles. Furthermore, the writings “POLIZIA” or “Reparti Celeri di P.S.” were added to the side of the tanks.

Pictures and drawnings.






M13/40 - Wikipedia


Fun Fact
the reason for the use of heavy vehicles by the state police depended on the fact that the limitations of the Paris peace treaty (which expired with the joint in NATO) did not consider the police which for a period was a kind o additional "army ".

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