Realistic tank battles need to be balanced

to balance the games, they will get to the selection of roles, it will take some time but I think they will do it. It is the same problem that occurred in another much more popular game like WOW in which some roles were not played because they were considered boring or not “rewarding” in terms of rewards. To encourage people to vary and make the game complete, they introduced role queues with the result of giving new impetus to the game and the players. This way you won’t find yourself having 7 planes against you at the same time and 0 on your side or no SPAA to counter them.

if you have had the time and desire to research tanks, planes, helicopters etc, you will have shorter queues being able to take part in any role, and you will have the possibility of playing different games depending on what you feel like doing. At the same time if you only want to play tanks you will have longer queues but you will still be able to do so.

1- Arcade battles should be the host for an arcade game mode.
2- Arcade features have no place in realistic battles.

Just don’t play 11.7 if you don’t want to face the OP CAS.
10.0 and under is perfectly balanced.

Era separation is a cause of the problem.
Era is a social construct at the end of the day.

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Problem is that in their hurry to shovel as many premiums as they could in they broke all BR’s ,this applies to both ground and air.
We now have tanks/planes in game that are using ammo/upgrades that they never had or were introduced 30 + years after tank/plane was put in service …whilst they calculated its BR using basic equipment .
Some tanks/planes should have never been put in game in the interest of balance and health of the game.

HEATFS has no business fighting tanks that were designed to counter APCR /APCBC,in same way radar spaa should never encounter WWII planes.

They didn’t hurry on premiums though, and premiums don’t “ruin” BRs as they’re equal or slightly worse than tech tree vehicles of the same BR.

And who cares if inferior weapons introduced 30 years later are fighting superior weapons introduced 30 years prior?
It just goes to show the strength of older good stuff and the weaknesses of many modern things.

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and would you also make this distinction for the IS-3/4?


The same thing with aviation v AA. 900SP plane is destroed by 70-110 SP invulnerable AA by 2 buttons.

For what? 7+ minutes search and 8V8 battle?

It"ll be hard to implement and balance

Ясно, мазута

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If you read this forum then you will see a hell of a lot of people do.If they want sci fi then I presume they will go elsewhere.Why shouldn’t the level of historical detail put into the vehicles be reciprocated elsewhere in the game?

Custom battles.
Certainly if the idea is popular enough there are at least weekly battles of players doing “historical” battles.

It’s not just about immersion. Take the Jadgtiger ,200mm frontal armour which at the end of WW2 was vast as the upper limit for penetration was 200mm or just over.The vehicle is big ,slow hard to move but just about has a use for a good player.So in WW2 it’s relevant ,it had a place(debatable for many).

Now take that tank and move it on 20 yeras to an era where fast tanks can pen 300mm with ease.What is the relevance of the JT then? Well none of course hence why tanks have a sell by date. Same with Ferdinand and to a lesser degree Tiger two.

It’s about wasting your time and effort in an irrelevant vehicle where all you have is armour but then you dont have the armour so guess what …you have nothing.

OK you may get lucky but why torture yourself,Far easier to flick a switch and bale on the uptier than play fantasy scenarios that are stacked against you.Frustration in an inherently frustrating game.ODL anybody?

Players will move mountains to give this game a break so throw them a bone for heavens sake.
Make the game so all your effort to grind WW2 heavies is not in vain.

You should be supporting fair era relevance not attacking it.

Okay… HEATFS is a threat, and one that came relatively quickly after the end of WW2.

Tiger 2 will still face far more opponents that don’t fire HEATFS than do, and even with those that do they’re typically platforms that aren’t as stable.

and that is the point.In WW2 months literally mattered so years is something else.The Cold war was a race where so much became redundant so quickly.That really shows in the game now. It just feels wrong. The game play fine up to and around 5 BR then at 6BR it just feels off with all the M109s one shotting tanks that for years in the game were taking hits from the front even of they were damaging. Hits from the side were tough luck.

M109s copy pasted to every tree are game killers and were put there for no reason other than filling gaps that the devs should have been aware of when introducing the new nation in the first place. Gaijin need to go back,remove certain vehicles and admit they were wrong or restructure the game to better accommodate them…

It’s the medication killing the patient.

M109s didn’t fill gaps, and they didn’t kill the game as they made the game better.
Zero vehicles need removed.

Realism and good game > your anti-consumer greed.

Yes they did ,they filled glaring empty spaces in lesser nations.They are 60s artillery pieces dumped into a WW2 level and the death of immersion.

So tell us all why you are so opposed to Warthunder having any kind of immersion element.

If I criticise the lack of immersion in Warthunder in a review is that good news for you ? I say the models are good but the time line is FUBAR that is good for Alvis? Im baffled why anybody who comes to this game as an armour fan revels in the juvenile 80s vs WW2 gameplay.

At least for the best part below 5BR we are all in the same boat apart from the Puma or M18 and at least those tanks have to get themselves into a position be of use ,60s tanks can just frontally pen WW2 heavies making playing them pointless.Too many vehicles are meme in this game now.

You realize that 60s vehicles has been figting ww2 vehicles for a really long time, the m109 didnt kill the inmersion.

Not at lower BR they dont,not much anyway ,just the sily SA stuff in the UK line up that most people hate and would not miss if it were gone,its only when you get to 6BR and above the game unravels big time. I am a WW2 fan so I stay low but 6BR was fun now its not.

The M109 spam slaughtered any immersion that was left at 6BR but you have to know about tanks to realise how out of place it is against WW2 tanks.

If you like the M109 against WW2 then why not give the UK APHE and MGs in early BR? Why not use paper vehicles?

If we are doing factual and realistic then lets do ti if we are doing fantasy and sci fi then lets do it but make your mind up.

Why submit a report saying a tanks armour is 2mm more than it is in real life in a game where real life does not count?

No. literally the swedish tt has been in game for YEARS, and they have 60s vehicles at even lower br… fuck even the tier 1 apds is from the 50s again the m109 broke nothing not to mention that the 2s3 was in the game years before of the m109 and it is the same br.

It doesnt have to be black/white.

But if you want that, then tanks can only fight tanks they fought irl. And they should get their historical mechanical issues as well as locked to their irl tactics proscribed in their training manuals.

there is nothing unrealistic about ww 2 vehicles facing cold war vehicles they did in fact face them, as far as im aware none of the nations in game completely ditch out all their ww2 arsenal as soon as the war ended, there is no division.