Realistic is not realistic

You realize, even the most realistic game with incredibly detailed anatomies, still uses HP to represent the state of organs, layers of skin, fat and tendons and so forth?

Having a HP value to give a non-binary representation of a part or organ being damaged and not outright destroyed is nowhere comparable to flat hit point values.

By your logic,

Dwarf fortress’s combat is the exact same as say, skyrim’s because both have HP values.
I’m confident we are both wise enough to recognize the sheer absurdity of even trying to compare the two systems.

Ah yes, the game where layers of skin, fat, muscles, tendon, bone and internal organs are simulated and tracked; where the creature’s (overweight)ness and muscularity affects how effective blunt impacts are with weapons; where being obese affects vulnerability to fire; where being struck by a lucky arrow in the arm can hit a motor nerve and make someone drop their weapon; where fantastical creatures can have fantastical materials fulfil roles in their anatomy requiring creative ways to defeat… Oh, and armour has its own layering/overlap system. The only way a sharp and light weapon will ever kill someone wearing armour and hitting them in an armoured section with the blade (stabbing might work for some armours) is if the blade you’re using has a significantly different hardness to what they’re wearing (copper armour vs steel for instance)

it's all comes down to hitpoints, no different than skyrim!

is the same as the game where you can smack a dude for 10 seconds wearing full plate with a rusty iron dagger aiming for the cuirass and he dies.

Because both use a HP value to provide a granular outcome to damage.

That’s how comparing WoT to WT sounds like.