Re-arm points inside or around spawn points?

[Would you like to see re-arm points inside of spawns in-game?]
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
[Should each spawn point have its own rearm point or one to share in between both spawn points?]
  • Each spawn has its own
  • One to share between the two
  • Re-arm points are fine the way they currently are
0 voters
[If these rearm points are added, should they allow for crew replenishment?]
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

It is quite a simple suggestion, in Ground Arcade Battles and Realistic Battles there should be some form of re-arm points that are located around the spawn, be it each spawn point in a radius having one or a single re-arm point that is placed between both spawns (personally each spawn getting one of their own is better as these points could be camped on certain maps and overall are a big nightmare to then balance around the map and not make them capable.

It brings benefits that are aimed mainly at SPAA, especially for ones that carry a lower amount of ammo or missiles to deal with threats in the air and ones that have worse missiles which often means they have to spend a lot of this already limited ammo to take out a single threat, notable ones are the Lvrbv 701, Type 93, Stormer HMV, LVKV 9040C and OTOMATIC.
Some SPAAS would benefit a lot from this, notably the Pantsir, Tor M1, ADATS, and Gepard types of vehicles. These could fling missiles and hold M1 to keep the stream of bullets almost infinitely as they can easily rearm. To this, I say increase rearm time and or reduce how much ammunition/missiles are rearmed.

ATGM-carrying vehicles could benefit from this such as Bradleys, Wiesels, and CV9040A BILL whose main means of fighting are their very strong ATGMs but which are limited in numbers.

Another potential feature of rearm points would be crew replenishment. These leave you very vulnerable for the time it takes and another crew member can be crucial to the performance of a vehicle like CV90105/120 which uses the commander optic thermals to survey their surroundings before peaking or ATGM carries like CV9040 BILL and Bradleys who use commander optics for their ATGM sight, Leopard 2A5+ who have better Commander thermals and are important to properly scouting the

In summary, rearm points could serve as an alternative means to rearming vehicles that have limited ammo for their main weapons, trade speed, and or quantity of rearmed weaponry for safer rearming which encourages those who need their main weapons rearmed NOW to venture into the more risky capture points and allow for SPAA to be more active. It lets people on sniping-focused maps get back to full/partial crew strength and doesn’t punish people as much for small mistakes that can mean
life or death in top tier.

Edit: I want to propose an additional idea for Gaijin that can make these rearm points more worth it for players outside of SPAA and make them more unique.and that being that it could replenish one or two FPE uses, whilst you do not often get to the point that you are down to 0 FPE uses from 2, this can help the stock grind of FPE, if you are willing to pull out of the battle when researching Improved FPE you can go back and have 1 more FPE use after you use your one that you start off with, players who have Improved FPE can now put out 3-4 fires. This suggestion comes from there rarely being teammates who can put your fire out and some ignore you simply and having heard several times throughout my time about wanting to be able to replenish FPE.

[Should these re-arm points replenish FPE charges?]
  • Yes, one FPE charge only though
  • Yes, replenish both
  • No, they shouldn’t replenish FPE charges.
0 voters


Tho they would just go with the usual BS that “it would make people camp”.


I always thought it was annoyingly gamey and not realistic that the rearm point was on the objectives and not at your (supposedly) secure starting point. The capture points are usually a position of dominance or supposed to be enemy bases, so there is no reason why it would be stocked with (your brand of) ammo and spare guys just hanging around.

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For the team using the spawn point, yes i would like spawn reload points
I used the ZSD63/PG87(very underrated and overpowered SPAA which shreds everything) which runs out of ammo often and i have to drive to an enemy filled area and often get shot in the process

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This is agreeable. I can count a few times when I am low on ammo but none of the caps are captured and so I have the choice to hang back until the team does something or risk it all and go for a solo cap. As for camping…what can you shoot from spawn outside of annoying spawn campers anyway?

I think there might have been a misunderstanding, what I mean by camping is how, if only a single rearm point were introduced then maps like Sun City could suffer from the rearm point being an easily campable place as it would be in the middle of the alley that spans the halfway point of the map.
The huge versions of Eastern Europe, etc etc. Other maps would have a naturally balanced middle rearm point for example Sweden which requires a deep push by the enemy to see it. Abandoned Town could be behind the team’s spawn, etc, etc.

Pradesh for example has very bad spawns for one big rearm point as both teams have rather vulnerable parts of the map separating the two spawns, especially the top team for which it would be suicide to go for their rearm point that’d be situated in the middle of the open on the bridge with no where to hide.

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I would approve it, but maybe limit to SPAAs

I think this is an important feature to reduce spawn camping by buffing spawn points for players who are stuck trying to get out of them.

Ahh, fair enough! In this case, I presume the solution is to change the map layout a bit so there can’t be locations to be had so soon after spawn that can oversee large swathes of the map.

That is a possibility but I don’t know if Gaijin would want to go so far for this kind of feature. Certain maps like Pradesh would need the top team’s space between spawns completely rebuilt somehow.
Gaijin could though analyze map spawns; maps that have protected spawn regions put one re-arm point and on maps like Pradesh which have very open spaces between spawns, each spawn have its own re-arm point.

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To discourage ‘camping’, could the replenishment time go up compared to the time on a base?

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Don’t see why not, it already would be far from the frontline and most wouldn’t be bothered to go so far back and instead would fight for the more dangerous cap, the safer option should take a bit longer. SPAA would benefit a lot from this + the planned replenishing rework in Gaijin’s new roadmap would probably require the replenishing time to be increased.


+1, would be especially useful for top tier IFVs and SPAAs with limited missile count so you don’t have to suicide rush a cap if there are none captured and you run out of your 4 missiles. Certainly a better solution than Gaijin’s idea of building capture points.
Replenishing FPE should be available at normal capture zones as well.


Or maybe it costs like 10-20 SP?

I’d just go a step further by making all current spawns double as caps for the team controlling them, and all current caps double as spawns for the team controlling them. OG Star Wars Battlefront II Command Posts, which funny enough Naval EC already has ingame.

It would only require copy-pasting a mechanic from Naval EC to tank maps, and adding to both modes a respawn timer so one guy cannot spawn 30+ times on one cap and make a wall of his own bodies to prevent zone capture as is sometimes seen in Naval EC. If you die at or near a zone, you cannot spawn at that same zone for minimum 30 seconds, possibly as long as 2 min. You cannot spawn at zones being decapped by the enemy team either. But you can instantly spawn at any other zone under your team’s control.