This tank is beyond buns, the ammunition is so badly modeled it’s not even funny. The original round that should be in the game that has the same characteristics as the APFSDS M774 should have 372 mm of pen. Even the export gun that should be on the tanks, the Delta 6 was able to pen up to 430 mm of rolled homogeneous steel armor. Even the argument that it would be too overpowered at its BR in its current state it constantly loses at frontal engagements.
skill issue
Great feedback! Wonderful advice! Way to respond with some meaningful insight.
There is no original round.
XM885 was an experimental round during testing.
Once XM885 was finalized using the delta 6 variant, it was known as M885
Indeed it was able to penetrate up to 430mm and Nato triple heavy targets at 2500m at 65 degrees
I don’t know how well delta 3 xm885 is represented but it was able to penetrate all Nato targets except for the triple heavy.
You* hate the HSTVL and RDF.
HSTVL, RDF, 2S38, and Begleit are all among the best for their BR autocannons in the game.
HSTVL is 11.7 instead of 12.0 - 12.3 because of its current penetration and other aspects.
You’re right, it’s not stated what round the game currently is modeled for the current game states it as XM885 and not the delta variants, and even then, the Delta three is comparable with the M774 that modeled in game has around 372 MM of pen in the best conditions. Which stands around 1.34 times the current status and would heavily benefit from it for distance and frontal engagements.
Lmao. The HSTV-L is insanely good, I’ve been spading it lately and it’s borderline OP if played correctly - the ONLY limiting factor is the low ammo load.
The HSTV-L recently got an buff with it’s reload. It can preform very well against most MBTs from various angles.
While I wouldn’t mind an few extra mm in penetration cause the new damage modules seem to be eating up rounds it is still capable to put some hurt onto the enemy team. Especially if you get on their flank.
also if you cant get a fast small tank with a really damn good fire rate and workable penetration to work good then its a skill issue I’m afraid
if you have the front page and books ISBN then bug report this
it from that
Yup, they won’t add it for balancing which I agree with, but from a historical standpoint, it is indeed 430mm. We don’t know if that is from 0 meters or 2000 meters, not that it makes that huge of a difference at that kind of penetration in this game. That’s more than enough at both distances to completely wipe teams
It receives delta6 it could easily be an 13.0-14.0 light tank if they add those BRs
Exactly right.
It does however deserve a pen or mass upgrade as such top tier tanks have spall liners. The shells do not do enough damage on Leopards which results in a huge waste of ammo. I can knock out a T series from the side with 1 or 2 shots depending on the angle of the ERA but Leos generally take 5+ shots.
That is exactly why they added another one lol.
tbh they could just fix it when top tier gets decompressed. the entire thing is modeled really bad