Ratel 20 milan atgm issue

The vehicle gives me an option to switch to launcher sight which is well above the turret but when using those it loses track of the missile when i take the aiming reticle close to the ground right in front of me or a big object in the distance. Why does that happen? I would like to know the surefire way to avoid it like what exactly causes this?

Its because the game actually aims the missile from the main gun (the 20mm) Obviously this is incorrect, but thats how it is on vehicles with this setup. So if your gun is blocked, the missile won’t be guided.

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Ahh i was just guessing it but what a bummer. Completely defeats the purpose of launcher sights when u have to expose the turret anyway. Thanks dude

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Yup, independent aiming is totally pointless lol. Best of luck.

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