Rank VIII Ground Vehicles and Rank VII Premiums: Introducing the Challenger 2 (OES) & M1A1 HC!

it will properly come in the game as many tech demo have come into the game so why not this


Honestly. Because as has been said before, there are so many unfinished and unproven vehicle demonstrations ingame already… I wonder if the person I initially replied to would be against Kronshtadt, given it was never even halfway finished

Edit: Hell, given the number of prototypes ingame that downright failed testing, tech demos are ostensibly better LOL


But it’s not like how they changed the Italian M60. They said it was gonna be based on the M1, they didn’t make a M1A1, sell it, then change it after.

They said they are selling a M1, then people bought it.

When the game advertises historical accuracy, they might as well try and do the easiest thing possible to fix a mess-up in that category…

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A single demo tank vs a limited production production tank. They’ve sent the T-14 up into Donetsk for on the line training, and it’s at least sniffed a combat zone. Can’t say the same for that thing.

Until either has seen combat, they might as well be the same exact thing inside for all anyone not in the know knows :P

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Irrelevant whether you’re right or wrong. Unless Gaijin has a security clearance for this stuff (it doesn’t), all modern MBTs are paper vehicles in game.

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The Abrams X and KF-51 look ugly as sin, and I think it’s mostly the gaudy exhibition camos. That’s probably half my bias against them. That being said, T-14 will be the apex of the Soviet tree, alongside any weird late 400’s objects, should they be put in as well.

All of the above tanks can wait imo, no need to push that hard for them yet. Just my 2 cents.


Oh, yeah. I would be against adding paper tanks to the game, honestly, if 99% of top-tier and vehicles like Kronshtadt, R2Y2s, and M1 KVT didn’t already exist…

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Damn, I’ll have to agree with you on this one.

Screw digital futuristic pixel “camo”, they’d look infitely better in 3-tone CARC.

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Anti-consumer would be selling people an M1 with a semi-historical skin and then taking that away to give people an M1A1 just to make the skin historical. Take off the skin and it’s a base M1.
That is an entirely different discussion than swapping out a non-historical tank (turret). (Which imo was a bad move too, but alas)

They said from the beginning they’re not gonna make the KVT an M1A1, if you come up with that idea yourself thats your own fault.

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Do they advertise historical accuracy? Because the F-5C begs to differ.

Again, they never said it was going to be a M1A1, yet People still bought it.

It’s really not my intention, I’m indifferent to whether they come or not. I was just answering a guy who asked what comes after the crop of vehicles currently in service.

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If anything, that means their winrate won’t tank through the floor on patch drop.

It means tons of free kills for people who’ve gotten to top tier with tech tree vehicles.

Well, just because they supposedly give a tank a ride on a train does not mean that it does anything, it is very possible that we would see that Abram in service sooner than the T-14, since it could be said that the T-14 has been canceled for all the engine problems, and apparently there is no solution.


Literally nothing you just said is true. Except that the Abrams X could come before the T-14 because that’s a decision for the devs to make.

Gaijin understandably wants co cover a wider range with the Premiums.

M1 - M1A1HC = 10.3 - 11.3.
They cover a whole BR range with this.

M1A1 - M1A1HC = 11.0 - 11.3.
It would be STUPID to have two Premiums that are nearly identical and are only 0.3 BRs apart.

Can you not see it? The whole point of KVT being a M1 is for it to be on a completely different BR to cover different needs and style.


The T-14 has been a disaster and is cancelled, that is a reality.
I hope that the devs focus on production vehicles, such as the T-90M, the M1A2 abrams sep with its correct APDS-FS, challenger 2 with its well-modeled armor, merkava 4 with well-modeled armor and etc.


Yet another M1. To be honest the turbine noise is such odd in my ears that i don’t even play it. I got A2 and have done only 1 battle since. I opted to switch fully to Merkava 4M and L2A6.
I recently watched a documentary on the Abrams and it way stated that with its silent turbines, enemies will not hear that it is there. In WT my impression it is that the M1 is tze loudest on the field


The problem isn’t what br range they wanted to cover, as everyone and their grandma can see the point behind that.

The problem is they made up a completely fictional tank just to sell it.

The same people who removed tiger105 and panther 2 for being unrealistic/fictional made up another tank, just because they wanted it to sit at a lower br.

That’s the problem.