Rank VIII Ground Vehicles and Rank VII Premiums: Introducing the Challenger 2 (OES) & M1A1 HC!

be patient my friend

yeah if we get the Abrams X i am immediately calling for the BAe EAP seen as that did about the same and would help UK air a lot with it being baccically a mini typhoon

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Like that’s ever stopped Gaijin before.

I haven’t forgotten at all. I just don’t think that will stop Gaijin from adding these things. Just like having to make up stats for tanks with classified specs hasn’t stopped them either.

The Challenger 2 Black Night was a demo as well but it wasn’t a whole new tank but just a upgrade

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CV9040 BILL is a completely concept prototype vehicle that has never been used or produced.

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Oh, BOI another dumb reasoning about t-14 having tiger 2 engine no it does not have modified tiger 2 engines can you stop believing in EVERYTHING

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Oh no not this absolute horsesh-t again…

Except they never said it was gonna be a M1A1 before they sold it. They said what it was gonna be before and people still bought it.

How is that a rip off?

Uh hey @Stona_WT these new updates aren’t pushing to Gaijin Pass FYI.

Paying 70 euros for a vehicle is a much easier pill to swallow than cashing out 3x the amount.

May those rank VIII vehicles include German Leo2A7V in that leak image? That will definitely turn most current rank VII vehicles into clowns, especially T-80BVM and ZTZ-99A.

It’s all good man, thanks for owning up to it!

And yeah, with the benefit of hindsight I can agree the implementation of M1 KVT wasn’t optimal. Maybe the devs didn’t know that rank VII premium and M1A1 would be on the table so soon.


If you ask me, it’s still better to say we don’t do it as to say we do it. If Gaijin say no, then must be a reason. Gaijin tested much stuff to get her gameplay better. Sometimes they say it would not work or it’s to complicated. They just hold her promise.

The technology running each time better and we are all a part of the community. Gaijin use the technology progress to get her gameplay much better. They ask here community in bad and good days. Surely there running hard times and bad decisions.
But we still see how good Gaijin still growning. It’s not only the work of the developer, it’s the work of the game-community too.
They still say what they want and what they want not or don’t like. That is the good way.

Gaijin have some problems with the online players. More players get better battle belanced. Lower players get higher unbelanced and taking more times for wating match (that could happen by unlike maps or if players play for examble only tier 7 - that is only a examble). To manage this mixed and to coordinate it, thats really difficult. But Gaijin still do it and manage it anyways.

Watch other games of developer, they just say we do that and that, but the games was running in the ruin or it wasn’t so good how they said. That is much worse.

Where did they say that?

T14 is the only real tank of the 3 you mentioned.

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How many of them exist compared to the others

Considering that 2 of the 3 mentioned tanks are tech demos. All the t14s exist compared to the tech demos.

yeah how many T14s are there


Because the KVT was never an M1 in reality, and not 5 months later they sold the tank they said they couldn’t sell as one.

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Darn, I guess this Abrams X just phased out of reality then. Honestly, with American arms manufacturing standards, it might as well be real as T-14s that have never seen combat lol