Rank VIII Ground Vehicles and Rank VII Premiums: Introducing the Challenger 2 (OES) & M1A1 HC!

I stand by what I said. Improvements to the US tank fleet from the Abrams X demonstrator will be more widely applied and available than the T-14 ever will be.

I’m pretty sure the BVM in game is using the French thermals… France only stopped exporting to Russia after the war. Russia has not shown they are capable of making something as good, they only claim so. Similar to how they claim high specs for the thermal sights on their ka-52 fleet, yet all their released footage shows poor resolution and zoom.

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T-14 has been denied for export this year and is probably gonna be for few more years so that just scraps it all.

Yes, they have their systems like the Sosna-U, but in any case the internal systems are Western, that is why the newer T-90M once again use Belarusian thermals, because they simply do not have the electronic materials to manufacture them.

I feel sorry for the fans of the T-14, but they have to understand that due to its technical problems and especially the war, the development of the T-14 can be terminated forever, since by the time they can continue it again the T -14 will already be an obsolete tank.

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You re talking for engineers actually doing work on M1A3 without even firstly knowing what M1A3 is. But you re free to think so. The thing I was mentioning that is important is that unmanned design will not carry on, so theres no learning new from tech demos, hell USA already had unmanned Abrams to be forgotten.

It has gen 3 in game, while only gen 2s were exported, also that was reportef by gov. officials, that on tanks they will be replacing french thermals. That was in 2018, plus if you look into it soviets/russians have their own developments

Take that with grain of salt because to capture a screen its required a USB that can capture screen which compresses image, and the more quility or resolution it is, the more it will be devompressed.
Theres also such thing as YouTube or social medias decompressing it more.

I think only the time will show. That plant managed to survive 90s without trembling to ashes, thats a lot compared to Kharkov or Omsk plant.

Yes, Russian officials claim they will replace the French thermals. Russian officials lie constantly, and regularly make baseless claims. So that does not mean anything.
I wouldn’t be shocked if the BVM gets gen 3s when they only bought gen 2 from France, would just be another example of Russian bias.

So these Russian super-scientists can produce better thermal vision devices than the west, but they can’t figure out how to properly record the footage. Meanwhile we can see crystal clear footage from US apache gunners dating back 20 years. Just a reminder that you tried to claim I was the one coping, lmao.


Man, you can’t expect all the tank factories to close, it still wouldn’t make any difference, I highly doubt that only the T-14 is manufactured in Uralvagonzavod, I think they are even starting to update the poor T-62M there, so What work are they going to have and they are not going to close the factory just because, but they will not focus on the T-14.

they already have their own development and production of gen-3, as well as T-80BVM has 3rd gen in game.

When have I stated its better lol? Obviously its nl better than on Apaches.

IDK man go research a thing or two, read what M1A3 will be, Chieftain is one i suggest looking into, he literally made a request asking what is M1A3 gonna be.

its upgraded at repair bases, similar way Su25BM we have in game was upgraded by repair base in Belarus, same way how repair bases carried out T-72BM2.

not saying they will close, just saying they have been economically worse.

Keep in mind that the export of tanks like the T-72M1 and other models has been quite large, so no matter how bad Russia was in the 90s, the export of weapons would be a relief to the Russian economy at the time, so What keeping Uralvagonzavod producing at that time would be the most logical, since it was a source of receiving money from other countries.

Agree with you here, plus the export IS the main reason it does more than exist.

I hate hearing this. The driver turned the parking brake on without realizing it. Thats why it couldnt be towed either. Because the tracks were locked. If the issue was with the engine they still would have been able to put it in nuetral for towing.

Afterwards they got someone else in the machine who just turned the parking brake off and the thing just drove off under its own power.

And before you call me a russian shill, mr. lazerpig, which is more embarrassing to admit: our new experimental tank with untested advanced technology broke down, or our best driver we hand-picked for the big parade was a big dummy who doesnt understand parking brakes?


honestly, i would say its more embarrassing to say that the tank broke down since they have publicly said that it is done and in serial production (which most doubt) and not a prototype. They even said “it was on purpose to show our rescue teams abilities”. so it would be mush easier to say “our driver had a heart attack (or whatever) and could not continue (for whatever reason)” than to admit that your “technical marvel of a tank that is the best in the world and we are making thousands right now in our factories” broke down.
but hey, its all speculation and we will never actually know outside official statements. (and given Russia’s history with the amount of truth to statements they make, I’m inclined to lean towards partial lies to save face, but this is also a partial personal bias i have and am ready to admit)

I wonder what will be French rank VIII tanks. I pretty sure they will take all Leclercs and ITO and move it to rank VIII and that will be all. Maybe they finally will give us OFL F2 and 5 sec reload if other nations get something more modern.

OFL F2 does not increase penetration by the way

As per Jentz and Doyle, the Sla engine was developed for both, but no final assembly was performed because R&D of the cooling issues could not be completed by the time the war ended. But the engine was actually built. As such a close (though not perfect) in-game analogue is the Yak 141: all parts extant, no final assembly because of political collapse.

If your claim is that Gaijin modelled the Tiger II Sla’s engine deck incorrectly, then you’re right. But calling the vehicle fake is a bit of a stretch.

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hey guys when the dev server opens would you kindly just rave about the challenger so that a ton of people buy it and then get mad when it’s terrible because the challengers are the worst MBTs in the game so it might actually be fixed?


I want tawain to have it, but I dont want a Chinese PRC player to have an Abrams in his ZTZ lineup. It super kills the diversity of the tech trees. Like, why would I play USA if i can get an M1A2 SEPV2 and some funny Chinese stuff in the same TT.

Unless they look to give the US TT a similar treatment with a subtree (S Korea). Id be happier to accept the abrams being passed around if the US got something truly unique in its Tree, like the KF51. The game is going to get to a point where its “what combinations of top tier MBTs are better” not “I play russian for T-80s, China for ZTZs and Germany for Leos, USA for Abrams” etc. Its getting really loose and something else affirming for uniqueness needs to be done


through i want to play M1A2T in ChinaTT, i must recognize that it will destory the US TT, but…who know what gaijin gonna do ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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Hot take, be warned:

ROC (Taiwan) and PRC vehicles sharing a common China TT is problematic for tech tree identity and matchmaking.

To put it mildly, the two are politically “not on good terms”, and have vastly different policies, military planning, and equipment.

This is especially a problem in simulator battles, which aims to pit “western” and “eastern” tanks against each other. Since ROC shares TT and matchmaker with PRC you’ll have M41, M48, M60, F-16 etc. on both teams. This complicates IFF (Identify Friend or Foe) and ruins the spirit of the mode.

You also have problems like the one you mentioned, where some players resent high tier US equipment going to China TT, where it will benefit a playerbase and lineup mostly consisting of PRC equipment. IRL ROC procuring Abrams is meant to assist USA in potential conflict with PRC, wheras in game it is the reverse.

This is why I think combining post 1949 ROC and PRC in the same TT was less than optimal. IMO it would be better if all ROC vehicles in China TT were replaced by North Korean ones.

The removed ROC vehicles could then form a new TT together with South Korea, with possibly other asian nations joining them. This avoids the issue of Japan, since ROC and Korea don’t have nearly as problematic of a history/relations.

Joining ROC together with SK also boosts the amount of unique vehicles and increases lineup potential for mid and lower tiers. They would also participate in the appropriate team in Simulator battles.

Maybe it is too late for such a drastic change, but I believe it would be for the better if this was done.

TLDR: Fewer people would complain about modern Taiwan (ROC) equipment if they were seperated from PRC Tech Tree.

Edit: Maybe call the tree “Four Dragons”, and include Singapore & Hong Kong as well. Four Asian Tigers - Wikipedia