Rank VIII Ground Vehicles and Rank VII Premiums: Introducing the Challenger 2 (OES) & M1A1 HC!

Thats quite false considering same countries want/wanted to develop their own tanks to use at different placements which is quite a lot of money, even more than buying any Nato tanks (especially Abrams because you wont get taught how to repair one you will have american repair base at your country, so you are buying for tanks and a base). Also buying NATO equipment is basically worsening relationship with other.

T-90 was developed before India has paid a nickle into it.
T-90M/MS components were developed before that as well.

But you think the T-14 is going to be cheaper? If it’s cheaper and better, why did the Russians “pause” (cancel) the program at the start of their Invasion of Ukraine?

Buying NATO equipment worsens relationships? As opposed to buying from a fascist dictatorship on the verge of collapse after failing to invade one of their small neighbours?


Yes, but India helped economically in the development, there is a reason they have more T-90s than Russia.

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India has an actual economy and tech sector. It’s not really fair to compare Russia to them.

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Didn’t they buy some Rafals as well

Nah, but that hasnt stopped from anyone from buying T-90s when their price was high.

Do you know at least a single thing about the plant? What it currently focuses on?

Pretty much explains your behavior here lul. Someone got so triggered

They didnt. T-90 is Object 188 and it began its development in 1986, development was pretty much finished in 90-91.
T-90 is offtopic either way

The Indian one is better funny enough

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What makes you think so?

Doesn’t have the APS which doesn’t really work against modern ATGM and instead has more ERA
I know a small difference

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The T-90 was finished in like 1990-1991 and wasn’t approved for export untill mid 90’s. India signed contract for buying and building them in 1997.

So no, India did not help in development.

Hows this
Is less ERA than this ?

These are the more modern ones right

Yes they are. As in the modern ones that India helped develop. Dude doesn’t even realise he killed his own argument.

It was, because the plant is busy. Saying “oh its so much better why they dont produce more” while govermental figures say theres engine problems they need to fix fully first and they are testing new ammunition for it is same as saying oh why arent they using prototypes in the war.

There other Indian tank is better any way

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Well done, so it is not combat ready/good enough for service. Which is what we have been saying.

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Thats funny since you claimed Abrams X is gonna be more produced than T-14, meaning you dont even know what USA army wants and youre completely ignorant of what M1A3 is planned to be, and completely have been off the news from army.

They have their own from now on, even in game you can see 3rd russian gen instead of 2nd gen french one on T-80BVM & 2S25M, and possibly upcoming T-90M.

When did i say that? If Abrams X is best tank for you then I dont know what to say to you man.

Then say T-90MS, not T-90, India never helped to develop T-90 and T-90MS already had its components developed ages before India invested.

Im really sorry you two dont know difference between T-90 and T-90M

Have I been stating otherwise? I literally said theres issues with engine. Man you really said tank that army isnt interested in is gonna be mass produced and smh I am false one? You re coping.

And you somehow still have more hope in Russian tank industry than I do lol.

You are absolutely right, from what I have been able to read it is prior to the treaty with India. Even so regarding what was said about the export of the T-14 would make more of them manufactured, it would be impossible for several factors, first the T- 14 is extremely expensive (more than an M1 Abrams), second it has mechanical problems so no country in its right mind would buy something expensive and that does not work well, third Russia does not have the capacity to export at the moment and possibly cannot in the future either. In the next 5 years, the sale of technology is restricted, so the following T-14s would be significantly inferior to those already manufactured.
Returning to the T-90, it was exported quite a bit since it is a cheap tank compared to other Western tanks, most of those who bought it were users of the T-72 so they are already familiar with the T series, and being realistic The T-90 is nothing more than an update of the existing T-72B, so they have not had to manufacture barges for them.

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