so as you know in arcade you cant normally rangefind, you have the build in active rangefinder in your gun and you can rangefind in a rangefinder tank if you use something like a commander sight, but other than this you cant rangefind, and its annoyng in niche situations like where you want to lob a shot over a obstacle you see with your binoculars but not the gun, and you cant get the range, i have 2 solutions to this problem
1 let binoculars rangefind, you click the bind and it gives you the range
2 give binoculars the same active rangefinder the gunner has
edit: it also makes your laser rangefinder auto allighn feature usless becuse you cant rangefind and cant get that instant range setted
Yeah,the constant rangefinder is a nice addition for AB for low-tier tanks. But when you reach the “Laser rangefinders” part of the game it is not a good choice,even because long range shots are harder to accomplish because you can’t auto-level the gun,you need to manually elevate it and you’re stuck with the tank’s fixed set of increments. If your target is precisely at an increment you’re good, otherwise you make a manual adjustment and pray it’s more than enough
Can you please clarify…?
In arcade the range is permanently displayed…so not clear what the issue is…
I am assuming it is some “mechanics” that is used in RB that is not working…but cant really get what it is.
When i want to target something far or behind something i see the range and adjust for a little more…try and error from then on…
Never use the range finder…dont even have a control for it…am i missing something?
They should put back Rangefinder in Arcade dunno why they disable it , but is frustrating as hell without it they disable it but the idiotic maps like the Huge Poland is still in Arcade seriously Gaijin for you.
It’s still there.
In Arcade, the rangefinder extends the range of your “marker”. Especially in the higher tiers, the laser rangefinder is extremely important since it allows you to hit vehicles from a longer distance.
In Realistic it works as intended in Arcade, you need to aim with a crosshair and find the target no button is required, and is wrong before was better is confusing and stupid and if you chance ammo again you need to find the target.
i think for people who are struggling to understand:
•Realistic ground - You can press one key, you’ll have a green bar once it’s done your gun will auto adjust itself to the rangefinder results.
•Arcade Ground- The range value is displayed constantly but if you’re behind cover trying to find the exact range of someone it’s never correct because the in built UI in Arcade that has distance and name and tank will say eg: 0.40m so you set gun to 400meters then you go out of cover and because the person is higher up then you it turns out to be 560 meters or something and you end up missing completely. It’s more sufferable for arcade players. it would also bring a few players back to arcade mode
The ranging methods should be swapped or atleast have the same ranging methods and auto adjusting guns, because if it’s an arcade mode then you shouldn’t be having to put extra effort into that stuff that should only exist in a realistic mode, in realistic you can tap a button and pop someone which sounds more arcade like to me.
For long-range shots I have just settled on elevation and direction based upon being able to see the tank silhouette when I am ranging. A green cross means I can probably damage it. If the target is too far for the green cross I just settle on the silhouette and fire away.
Sometimes when i cannot get a silhouette I just put the crosshairs just below the mid-line of the name tag and fire away.