Here are some observations born of frustration and bewilderment. Humor me.
- Trophy boxes, snowmen, dragon boxes, et al: snake eye chances on 100-sided dice to get the good stuff, like camo skins, premium vehicles, 1,000,000SL boxes, and so on. Wagers, orders, coupon discounts on Neubaufahrzeuge, boosters and backups (both very useful) and 5,000SL are pretty much routine. And then there’s:
- Map repetition, consecutively, e.g.: Abandoned factory x 4, Karelia x 4, Ash River x 4, this map x 3, that map x 3, and so on.
Randomness works like a charm in WT!
Sarcasm rant over.
I do like this game. Really, seriously. I like it a lot better than WoT which I seriously doubt I’ll ever play again. There are many things I like about this game, but some things (CAS, BR matching, and the aforementioned lack of randomness) need some improvement. Serious improvement. I mentioned Ash River repetitiveness in a previous post but lately it’s gone from ridiculous to stupid. Gaijin, you’re better than that. Oh, I forgot, one last sarcastic remark: this is a FTP game so we get what we pay for. Carry on.