Raketenjagdpanzer SPW-40 (9M14): An East German Original

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Raketenjagdpanzer SPW-40 (9M14): An East German Original

(The SPW-40 is the vehicle on the right. On the left is a BRDM-1-based 9P111.)

NOTE: This vehicle does not (to my knowledge) have an official name. As such, I have given it this name in accordance with similar German ATGM carriers.


The BTR-40 was the first post-WWII armored car of the USSR. It first saw service in 1950, with over 8,500 being built and variants seeing service well through the 1980s (and reportedly in some 3rd-world countries to this day). It was an armored troop carrier and scout car based on the GAZ-63 truck, capable of carrying 6-8 troops, depending on the version. The vehicle underwent a number of revisions and upgrades over the years, and many derivatives were produced, perhaps most notably the BTR-40A anti-air vehicle. The BTR-40 served well, but it had issues which eventually led to its replacement by the larger BTR-152 and BRDM-1, splitting the roles of APC and amphibious scout car into two distinct roles as opposed to one unified vehicle. Despite the fact that the USSR moved on rather quickly, many other countries received the vehicle as an export, enabling it to see service in dozens of conflicts and allowing for each country to create new variants. One of the countries which used it the most was the German Democratic Republic, or East Germany.

East Germany made use of the BTR-40, known as the SPW-40 in their service, long after the USSR had retired it. As they were a secondary state, they used whatever they could until they got the newer equipment from the Soviet Union, in this case the updated BTR-152. Because of this, they needed to adapt the vehicle to different roles, one of which was a missile carrier.

At the time, the most common missile across the whole Eastern Bloc was the 9M14 Malyutka (AT-3 Sagger). It was a simple MCLOS missile which had quickly become one of the most popular ATGMs on the planet, and one that would continue to be used to this day. Introduced sometime during the early 1960s, the East Germans received theirs as part of being a member of the Warsaw Pact. These missiles became the backbone of their anti-tank forces until they were replaced by newer models, such as the 9K111 Fagot or 9M113 Konkurs. During the overlapping periods of time when the SPW-40 was still in use and the 9M14 had been obtained, an interesting vehicle was built. This experimental missile carrier seems to have been borne out of the necessity for more anti-tank vehicles to accompany the existing fleet of 9P111s (BRDM-1 missile carriers). It is unknown how many were built, and not much information exists about its service or exact construction date. However, we do have at least one photo of it being tested alongside a 9P111 (seen above), and images of at least one in a junkyard after having been abandoned. This experimental vehicle never really went anywhere, as either there were enough 9P111 vehicles to serve the army or new equipment had come in, rendering it obsolete.


The RakJPz SPW-40 (9M14) is a combination of two existing vehicles, modified to adapt them together. The SPW-40/BTR-40, being based on the GAZ-63 4x4 truck, is good at both on-road and off-road transport. It is equipped with a GAZ-40 inline-6 gasoline engine producing 80 hp, a slightly more powerful engine than that of the original truck. This is to compensate for the 6-8mm of steel armor plate that covers the vehicle. This is enough to protect from light shell fragments and small arms fire, but not heavy machine guns or autocannons. The standard BTR-40 had no roof and came with firing ports on the sides for use by the troops inside, but the missile carrier variant did away with the firing ports, as it did not carry troops, and added a roof to cover the retractable missile launcher in a similar fashion to the 9P111 variant of the BRDM-1. The missile launcher in question was effectively identical to the 9P111, with six rails for 9M14 missiles. It is capable of being retracted inside the vehicle for stowage and reloading. I have not been able to confirm if any reloads were kept inside the vehicle, but if it follows the trend of the 9P111 then it would carry 12-14 missiles total, with 6 on the rails. This makes sense, as the ability to carry troops was removed for reloading.

I think this, being one of the few uniquely East German vehicles to exist, deserves a spot in the German TT, and I hope more East German vehicles join it!

Due to the fact that this served as a scout vehicle as well as an APC, this missile carrier would be equipped with scouting, similar to the Type 60 ATM and Zachlam Tager.



Main Armament: 9M14 Malyutka ATGM

Secondary Armament: None

Armor: 6-8mm around the vehicle

Ammo count: 14 missiles total, 6 on the launch rails

Engine: GAZ-40 Inline-6 Gasoline, 80 HP

Transmission: 4-speed manual, 4WD

Speed: 50 mph (80 km/h) on-road

Crew: 2 (Driver, Commander)

Mass: 5.3 metric tons



If there is anything I have missed or gotten incorrect, please let me know! I hope you enjoyed reading this, and I hope you will also check out my other suggestions! Thanks, and have a great day.



BTR-40 - Wikipedia

BTR-40 APC (1950)

East German Tanks and AFVs of the cold war, 1947-1990

Original Pictures 3


9M14 Malyutka - Wikipedia


+1 an east german vehicle nobody can complain about


Very cool, also SACLOS. So before RJP 1?

MCLOS, unfortunately. This uses the base model 9M14.

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Oh right my bad, i said manual in my head but still spelt SACLOS lol

No worries!

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+1 for this fast MCLOS shitbox. 6.7 because MCLOS, the mobility advantage isn’t greater than having to joystick the missile.



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Looks cool, but I dont think ATGMS belong at the BR’s you suggested. Also “Original”? when its on a soviet chassis, I think that is a bit of a strech.

There are already missiles at those BRs. Both the Type 60 ATM and Zachlam Tager are 6.7, as are the Ratel 20 and AMX-13 (SS.11). This would be a fine contender at 7.0, as it has primarily MCLOS missiles but carries more of them and has the possibility of using more advanced SACLOS and tandem-charge versions if Gaijin decides to give them to it.

As far as being original goes, it is a domestically designed and developed vehicle built from foreign parts. Seems to be something which you can say about many armored vehicles, no?

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Believe me, I am a opponent to all those ATGM carriers and what not. Thats why I dont want more of them at those BRs.

I guess you might be right, Im just not convinced that slapping a soviet ATGM, or 4 of them in this case - on a soviet chassis, makes much of a domestic or even original design.

In the end, in my personal opinion, what all these ATGM carriers do is make power creep even worse when introduced at mid/low-tiers. I think we can both agree that this proposal aswell as the aforementioned implemented ATGM carriers would not work at much higher BR’s, which is why I feel no more should be added or should ever have been added.

I never got killed by Zachlam tager, type 60 ATM or Rakjagpz 2 despite playing at these brs for hundreds of hours because they are simply to defeat. See a missle coming simply drive into cover or shoot it with an mg. The Ratel 20 is different because it has the milan which is much faster but the SS11 missles (and similar missles) are simply too slow to be a real threat. Same will be the case for this vehicle.
The only problem is immersion but at 6.7, 7.0 or 7.3 there are many other vehicles which brake it already.
It would still be nice to have it despite it probably being disappointing

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Would this mean it has mouse guided missles? Is The tandem-charge missle the same as on the chinese bmp1?
Both would be cool. Although it probably would end up at 7.3 with mouse guided missles, which is fine because after all the vehicles moved up from 7.3 to 8.0 and now with the addition of the luchs maybe there could be a lineup again for germany. Leo 1 prototype with 90mm cannon would fit at 7.3 great aswell

Mouse-guided? Possibly, yes. The upgraded missile on the BMP-1 is the 9M113, which would be different than the possible upgrades for this one. They’d be upgraded versions of the 9M14, such as the 9M14M, 9M14-2, and 9M14-2M. Not sure if those would be provided, though.

Dumb that it’s called a Jagdpanzer despite not being a tank itself.

Not really, it’s literally the German word for tank destroyer.

The other Raketenjagdpanzers aren’t tanks either.

@Godvana If you wanna get technical, that’d be Panzerjager, but the terms essentially overlap.

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Kind of, but the problem is that panzerjäger can refer to things other than a tank-killing armoured vehicle, like the role of a squad, a solider, an aircraft etc.

So if you are translating the word tank destroyer into German, jagdpanzer is the better term to avoid any confusion, as it can really only refer to a vehicle that destroyers tanks.

You’d be looking at the 9M14P (or P1) which was used by Germany, at least on the 9M133

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