Using TWS in finnish F18 lose lock then stays searching in the same spot after even after switching radar modes turning radar off and back on. TWS does not recenter after hitting acm mode quick on and off. Is this a new bug how do I get it back to normal. How do I fix this?
Not only F-18 issue, all of my jets do this in TWS mode, if you lose a lock when your gimble is not centered it doesnt reset anymore and keeps pointing in that direction.
Tried to fix this by binding “reset radar/IRST direction to boresight” but on some vehicles, example Mirage 2000 5ei it does center the gimble horizontally, but not vertically.
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I just tested the key bind works for me thank you, but I should not have to do that every time. Are they going to fix it back to normal or add another setting to make it go back to center automatically?