R77 is worst Fox3 so far

Perhaps it was in Air RB due to 16v16 matches meaning that having 10 missile launches is better. But also the Gripen was far and away the best plane for Air RB due to an absolute fantasy of a flight model and unlimited countermeasures.

A disproportionate amount of the negative feedback about the Su-27 is coming from Air Sim players. In Air Sim…the R-27ER was never ever dominant and the Aim-9M was the best tool upon introduction and always coupled with the best flight models with the most countermeasures.

When R-27ER was “dominant”…you could just fly low and be effectively immune to it outside of it. At the very least you could force a merge with whoever was shooting at you…and at that point it was basically a fight you were guaranteed to win.

My USA win rates have been solidly in the 95-100 percent range since the last patch dropped. Ironically the only thing that is keeping USSR afloat is the fact that multi-pathing still works to an extent and that long time players will play USSR side of the matchmaker because otherwise you just will not find games a lot of the time.

We have different understanding in what “horrendous” means
Russia have never suffered at any br for aviation. The R-23 and R-24 were guaranteed kills
R-27ER is still used by top tier Su 27 pilots it’s that good.

USA F-15MSIP II and F-16C have broken the top tier meta. And do you know what most of the Russian players are flying? It’s not a Su-27 they have all jumped to the US line.
Skewing the stats for the aircraft.

Russia may have to endure a poor performing radar this is technology finally catching up. What we dont need is an SU-30 added next patch with a PESA radar

So true and when they get the F/A-18C they will have more AMRAAM carriers.
F-15 and F-16 should be 14.3-14.7

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However Russian mains are already asking for the Su-30SM
Thats a Su-30 with a PESA Radar, more hardpoints and thrust vectoring and thats too much of a push

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Meanwhile I spent that entire time in a BVR only capable aircraft and even when skimming at 50ft, R27ERs reliably hit due to the IOG+DL they have. (I once got taken out by one when coming into land, my wheels were on the ground and I was coming to a stop)

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Why not

Will come, no doubt about it. Then a few updates afterwards, we can get the Typhoon and Rafale

Garbage radars

Garbage missiles

+Garbage flight models


Stop pretending Multipathing was weak.

İf you couldn’t avoid SARH missiles before the MP changes , that’s a severe SKİLL issue.

I would also point out that MAWS is now becoming a “standard”. Multiple aircrafts in-game now have MAWS. Gripen C and F-16C is reported for their missing maws, which should come.

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Then the “mythical 27ET” the US mains keep talking about will become even more useless as well, since, it is flared easily by ,1 single flare.

Depends on the type of MAWS.

If its UV, like on the F-111, only when the motor is burning.

If its PD like it should be on the Gr7, then it would trigger when it got close enough to be recognised as a threat. But that is only rear aspect (at least for now)

(also, most turn MAWS off)

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Right now MAWS trigger to any object entering its range. That includes chaff from another plane. It’s completely useless.

Yeah… It needs an overhaul before it becomes good

Maws still alerts even if you turn off maws slaving to CMs.



Current IR maws still alerts to long range fox 3s even though it is no longer burning. Its very useful on M2K and F16AM, RWR is nearly useless with fox 3s since they can be going for a teammate, but MAWS also going off plus rwr warning = confirmation the missile is targeting you

That I feel is a bug then

We should have the Typhoon now, if we have to wait until Russia has in service airframes or the US has the F-15EX it will be pointless