After losing its airspawn the vehicle should have gone down to 7.3, all 3 of them should have, and no dont any of you even start with “its going to get removed so why bother” because it wont, theres nothing to replace them and without replacements gaijin cant remove vehicles so lets focus on the BR, 8.0 is too high for a subsonic WW2 jets with nothing special going on, especially since the Kikka is at 7.0
dont worry, next set of BR changes where the mig 15s will be moved down to 7.7 gaijin will just remove the r2y2s
I’d argue there are, and it will.
Keep in mind these are (at least intended to be) Japans stand in for 7.X bomber aircraft, meaning being replaced by the T-1 series seems like a reasonable choice. For that they’d have a total of 5 variants to add, the T1F1 and T1F2 prototypes and the T-1A, T-1B and T-1B-10 production aircraft.
They could also add T-4 series aircraft, namely XT-4 prototypes which can carry unguided bombs and rockets as well as a gunpod. The production T-4 might not make it to the game though, as its capability to be armed past practice bombs is still unconfirmed.
As well as those, subtree aircraft from different SEA nations could also help flesh out these ranks of the game for Japan. Looking at Thailand (being the only currently confirmed nation) there would be the A-37B, AT-33 and F-84G would come to mind.
Though I still agree with your point that being removed doesn’t matter, mainly because it doesn’t remove them from the game, but keeps them for players that have them. The aircraft will still be in game and thus have every right to be balanced properly.
Thailand subtree might do something about it, we’ll see.
The R2Y2s used to be quite good at 7.3 without airspawn, but the uptier to 8.0 and the 30mm nerf was devastating.
They lost their airspawn when they were 7.3/7.7.
They went up because they continued doing well and proving themselves.
More like japan has good players not neccesarily good planes…
These all sounds like post war aircraft which will be higher BR which means they arent a replacement.
Now they fight 9.0 jets…like every single game
That’s a player population thing, and Gaijin still working on the next batch of BR changes.
I wouldn’t exactly put the T-1s any higher than 7.3, maybe 7.7 if they get their missiles. Their cannon armament is limited to a single .50 cal, or two more with gunpods that take up your pylons and reduce flight performance. They wouldn’t be fighters so much as they would be light attack aircraft. Now later service variants get AIM-9B/AAM-1, but those taking up the hardpoints and a single .50 cal under the nose won’t make them any better than an 8.0 Sea Hawk Mk. 100 (with the same missiles along with 4 20mm cannons) either.
Though later service variants might be allowed to take GCS-1 guided bomb kits, which were compatible, but would be really difficult to use without a ballistic computer and wouldn’t help air BRs either now that air and ground BRs are split.
XT-4 would be comparable to an Alpha jet without the cannon (and instead a low caliber gunpod), so also not the highest in BR. Alpha Jet A, with flares and a 30mm cannon over it is still only 8.7, so this one might be placed at 8.0-8.3
As for the Thai aircraft, the A-37 is another attack aircraft armed with a low caliber MG, an M134 7.62mm rotary cannon, alongside unguided bombs and rockets. I can’t see this be placed any higher than rank 5. The AT-33 is an armed version of the T-33 trainer, based on the F-80C, so I’d guess ~7.0 for a BR. The F-84G is already in game, placed at 7.7
And like I said since more countries past Thailand are confirmed to be planned for the subtree, these are anything but the only options.
As I said I still agree R2Y2s deserve to be properly balanced even if they are replaced, but to say there is no replacements just isn’t right.
They should stay.
- richthofen out
You mean like the J7W stays at 6.0 despite being possibly THE worst plane at that BR? Or how the Ta 152 C wet up to 6.3 a while back despite also being one of the worst planes at 6.3?
Ta 152C is an air-spawn interceptor with excellent middle-altitude performance [6000 meters].
And J7W is an average climb rate fighter with the best guns for the BR. AKA equivalent to a Harrier with its AIM-9s carrying it.
None of that matters when neither climb well and neither have either overwhelming speed or the maneuverability to get guns on players who are awake.
They are objectively terrible planes.