R.K. 9 Hybrid Tank

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I would like to suggest the R.K. 9 Armored Car / Tank.
What is it? Basically a small light tank with a Running gear similar to Pz II, Turret similar to Pz I Ausf. C and a Wheel cum track configuration with 4 Wheels.

In 1938 the Waffenamt tasked the company Saurer in Vienna to develop a light reconnaissance tank with wheel cum track configuration. The developed tank (later called R.K. 9) was 8,5 ton with Front and back driver, 14,5 mm Front and back as well as on the turret front, with the other plates beeing 5,5 mm to 8 mm.
Armed with an EW 141 (the EW is semi automatic, so it will most certainly only get 60 rpm in game like the S-18-100 or italian 20mm (Csaba and L3/33) gun allready in game) fireing the 7,92x94mm ammo

This Reconnaissance tank was to be fast, lightly armored and be able to fight eaqually light enemy vehicles. Inspired by the successes of the Sd.Kfz. 254, the first prototype without a turret and all armor plates was finished in June 1940 and the 2nd fully complete in August 1941, when they were also tested. Testing showed that the vehicles is not combat ready for tropical environments and in july 1942 the Saurer-Werke from vienna delived a hull with no turret and a complete tank with a new designed turret.

An order of a 0-Serie of 15 Vehicles was made in May 1942 but was not later stopped as the tank was not accepted into German service as well as the armarment.
Overall 2 complete, 2 incomplete, 12 Hulls and 5 turrets wher produced.

It failed as it was seen as ineffective in terms of armarment (Even Pz II had a 2 cm Gun) and Speed on tracks as 30 km/h was even slower than the Pz II, while the speed of 80 km/h on wheels could also be reached by the less complicated normal Armored cars.

In game it would a offer a fast playstyle similar to the Csaba with a unique gun to the lower ranks with somewhat small vehicle proof against only small Mg fire.

Pictures: (Click to show)




The Gun:
7,92 mm EW 141
Semi Automatic Fire rate is as fast as you can press the trigger (In game sadly will be most likely 60 rpm, tho trained people can shoot faster (See YT or other videos).
Ammo: 7,92x94mm
S.m.K. H Rs L’Spur 14,53g Bullet and 8,65g Core 1250m/s 35mm
Pz Panzergeschoss 10,4g (full steel with copper band) 1450m/s 36mm (by Gaijins calculator)

And Coax Mg 34

Gun and Ammo


(Ammo existed with Teargas and without)

And Panzergeschoß (Full caliber steel round with copper driving band)

Screenshot 2024-01-05 161020

The Hull:
Speed: Tracks: 30 km/h Wheels: 80 km/h
Armor: Front and back 14,5mm Turret 14,5mm Rest 5,5-8mm
Engine: 100 Ps Saurer OKD
Weight: 6,5 -8,5 ton (differen sources)
Length / Width / Height: 5 m / 2 m / 2 m (Around that)
Crew: 3. 2 Drivers 1 Gunner (Forward and backwards)

Waffen Revue 38
Panzer Tracts No. 11-2
Handbook of Enemy Ammunition No. 4
Die Militärpatronen Kaliber 7,9mm und ihre Vorläufer und Abarten
And Gaijins Enlisted Game Pzb 39


+1, I have to say though, it is really ugly.

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Had no idea the EW141 was ever used outside of the Panzer 1c. +1


Would be great for a 1.0 event vehicle.