R-77s are horrid and the R-77-1 is needed

Proper notch - enough.

I use the F-15C all the time and the AMRAAM consistently ignores notching, chaff deployment or not


Skill issue


What about the picture?

You can see the AIM-120 pulling harder at the submach launch speed

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Actually it is Mach, so that’s even more interesting

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it would be easier to post a video as the R-77 is hidden behind the 120, cant tell when the first one was shot off at what angle from a pic.

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They were fired at the same time

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then post the video, the “trust me bro” thing doesnt work in proving points.

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Also, another reason I wish for the R-77-1 is the better chaff resistance as the current R-77 will go for chaff 99% of the time

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I will get you a video then, but you can see in the image that the travel distance is the exact same.

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From what I’ve seen, the AIM120 pulls better than the R77. Stat cards are mostly useless. I’d be fine with R77 having less range than AIM120 if it actually had its much greater manoeuvrability. R77 drag is insane right now, and I believe AIM120A would still beat R77-1 at longer ranges with how the R77’s drag is modelled at the moment


Exactly, thank you for actually getting what I’m trying to say.

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They may have to work on the R-77 and it may get updates like the AIM-54 has gotten periodically, but those grid fins bite into the air to maneuver so its going to cause issues.

The main issue right now is that red side has FAR worse flight-models for climbing / high altitude performance, and MUCH worse radars, and 30-40% less range against manoeuvring target*. (exact figure depends on range)

All these things combined is makes red-team experience miserable at the moment. The range alone is incredibly bad, but when you also factor in the enemies being able to get a much larger energy advantage on you on top of that, in addition to your radar taking ages to re-acquire (with recent scan-pattern changes, it can sometimes take the flanker radar 9-13 seconds to get bearing in TWS)…

My opinion is from the perspective of a sim player, I don’t play RB


Agreed. Attempting BVR with any REDFOR plane in SB always results in a bad experience.

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If you wouldnt have bricks instead of head, you will understand in BVR it doesnt really matter 25 or 50G. And higher G is actually worse as the missile just bleeds energy much faster doing tighter turns.


Drag modelled properly
That type of fins only will help on veeeery high altitudes.

Same seekers by datamine, which is 99% properly.