R-77s are horrid and the R-77-1 is needed

In game R-77 and AIM-120A/B have same seeker by stats.

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I have tested both missiles and me and several other people can attest that they do not behave the same


Can you provide link to video test?

But this could also be because the AIM-120A 100% of the time has more energy and can pull lead pursuit and ignore chaff while the R-77 has no energy and falls lag and goes for chaff

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But it’s still not difference in seeker

That’s why I was reforming my argument

This issue would also be fixed by the R-77-1 having much less drag on the front and rear, as well as being lighter.

“It is 6 kg lighter and also has fibre-optic rotation sensors (FORS) developed by Moscow-based Fizoptika in place of inertial gyros which will give the seeker an almost instantaneous readiness capability. Compared to RVV-AE, RVV-SD also has improved aerodynamic characteristics through the use of an elongated nose radio-transparent fairing, streamlined tail end and recessed lattice steering wheel attachment units.“

Allowing for better energy retention at higher speeds

Not massive difference by that changes.
It will affect by 2% maybe
But bruuh

It’s still a worth while addition, anything is better than what we currently have

That will not change anything.
Sustainer - yes, but not these aerodynamic changes

It’s already in the files, why not add it /:

So, everything from must be added asap? Or what

No? Please stop twisting my words when you full and well know what I mean

Let’s go back to basics:
Amraam C5 also in files
But that’s not a reason to add it asap, same as R-77

AIM-120C-5 would be too advanced for the current game

Why are people comparing this to the situation we had with the SARH missiles and try to justify it? There wasn’t much to do back then, like, because R-27ER is the ultimate SARH missile in reality as well.

If R-77-1’s really perform as the post states, there’s no reason it shouldn’t be added to replace the R-77. And a better AMRAAM should NOT be added alongside it. We’re trying to fix things and make balance here, put your personal bias aside for a second.


By which parameters?)

THANK YOU!! This is what I’ve been trying to convey

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It has a more powerful booster and seeker that extends its range (I don’t know the metric)