R-77s are horrid and the R-77-1 is needed

Maybe, but for internal marketing also called as SD

It would practically be better if properly modeled.

I really hope we get mpre advanced missiles quick so Gaijin doesn’t keep it in this weirdly nerfed state for long. Alongside missiles like the AIM-120C-5 and R-77-1 it might finally get the proper motor, maneuverability and seeker.

Maneuvr might be already fine

About energetics - even amraam must be better, than in game now.

Seeker also, cutted at least on amraam

It is stated to be more maneuverable than AIM-120B, though if it uses BTT steering (it does have roll controls for the warhead) chances are 32G single plane are accurate, maybe even a bit high.
But even then it would roll and maneuver in dual plane where it would likely pull somewhere between 35-40G.

Weirdly enough AAM-4 has a single stage motor, when it should be dual stage very similar to AIM-7F/M, but with higher thrust.

That does require a bigger rework I feel like, currently I don’t think the simulation is detailed enough to make proper seekers. We’d also need way less players in battle, 16v16 with proper seekers would be horrible.

Dual is not implemented in wt(

As i seen few bugreports - it is sustainer or smth near

Not yet, but it’s already suggested for AAM-3 and would be a nice addition to make missiles like AAM-3 and AAM-4 a nice middle ground between conventional and TVC missiles.

Though it would make conventional missiles quite a bit more complicated, so it might take a while for them to add it.

Yes, Gaijin just “fixed” MICA motor by making it a weight adjusted 120C-5 long burn single stage motor. But instead it is a higher power AIM-7F/M like dual stage motor.

Might be even suggested for MM2 long time ago

C-5 in game have booster and sustainer, same as sparrow

Oh, it had
But now its gone
They testing still maybe

Then it’s even weirder, since that means AAM-4 motor is a weight adjusted version of the dev placeholder C-5 rather than Gaijins final one.

And all of that only so they don’t have to copy AIM-7F/M motor with slightly higher thrust.

No, i got wrong.
But as remember - it still was on dev server, or only for A/B, idk

But currently the R-77-1 would be a good addition and would still allow America to keep their SpAMRAAM supremacy

They could add the R-27EP though

R-27EP is basically a ARM, plus would be a gimmick missile, though may force a new meta.

It would 100% force a meta of keeping radars off until WVR

It will not
Requires really fast updating, or lock on missile
Otherwise not hit a fighter, sith it’s accuracy

It is combined with IOG so it would be rather accurate(ish)

Only if youre flying straight into the missile.
Missile will update position after every scan, but accuracy will be bad
It like a tws, but with way higher error
And, need a lock to be launched

its the “aim7m vs r27er” all over again lol. learn how to notch and you’ll be fine


Notching doesn’t always work against the AIM-120A. Also, I want gaijin to stop this power creep contest


“If you give a person two identical sticks and say that one of them is better, he will believe it.”

Thats same thing.

Are you saying that the AIM-120A is not better than the R-77? Because that is a very interesting statement

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