R-77s are horrid and the R-77-1 is needed

This man actually understands the differences between the R-73 and 9M. The main problem with the R-73 is that it is a knife-fight missile that is carried by planes with subpar flight models that DESPERATELY want to avoid knife fights at all costs. A hypothetical Grippen with R-73’s would be a nightmare, as would be a hypothetical R-27ET with the same type of IRCCM as the 9M.


I don’t necessarily agree the russian fighters have significantly inferior FM’s tbh. They aren’t top dog obviously, but they aren’t far behind, particularly the Su-27. HMD + R-73 + extreme AOA capability has gotten me many many kills in the merge, and the difference in rate between the Su-27 and western fighters isnt super large last I checked. Remaining fuel, weapon loads, and pilot skill can pretty easily sway the fight for or against the Su in sim imo. I think it gets its “bad FM” reputation from the fact that it has ABSURD levels of nose authority, which makes it super easy to overpull, its something I had to learn the hard way coming from US fighters. I also think ppl have a massive tendency towards 2C fights and limiter pulling, which accentuates the Russian jets energy retention issues imo.

Also, I dont think the Gripen would use the R-73 better than the russian fighters. The M2K might though. I haven’t flown either though, so I could be wrong. For the most part, I think jets have the correct missiles for their general gameplan in a dogfight.

Rate fighters → 9M to hopefully kill before the merge, or prevent an opponent losing an energy fight from leaving the merge.

AOA fighters → R-73/ Magic II to kill jets at super short ranges in the merge while in a 1C fight.


I disagree. Their flight models are perfect for employment of the R-73. They are substantially better at pulling AOA, particularly at higher speeds than their western counterparts, which allows for high off bore shots against unsuspecting targets. Yes its an all in, but that is the way the blade cuts to allow for such manuevers. The only thing that is holding them back is the underperformance of all narrow FoV IR seekers, which makes flaring, and particularly preflaring so effective against them.

The weakness to pre-flaring is why the 73 would be so much deadlier on something like a Gripen. The Flanker might be able to pull one hard turn but then it is dead in the water. The opponent only has to pre-flare during the Flanker’s window of opportunity to shoot and then the battle is as good as won. Something like the Gripen that doesn’t need to throw all of its energy into one gambit would be much deadlier with the R-73 because the majority of planes can’t pre-flare forever because most planes don’t have hundreds upon hundreds of flares.

We could see this in action if the Yak-141 were permitted access to its R-73s, but gaijin hasn’t given it its R-73s or R-77’s yet.

This is exactly opposite of reality though. Because of the Flankers ability to pull so much AoA, you have to preflare significantly more against it, because it can threaten an R-73 launch so quickly, as compared to a gripen which is pretty obvious when it has shed enough speed to pull AoA.

And fwiw, my experience is even using this tactic with the MiG-29, not the flanker, which as long as you plan accordingly, you can pull hard and then trade altitude to recover speed.

FM is so bad that the G curve falls short of 2 units


Only for 1-2 times. IRL F-16 can’t pull so hard especially with weapons. In the game uFo-16 can pull 10G and roll with full loadout and fuel tanks.
uFo-15 is the only plane in the game that can do YAW turn without roll at any speed. Must be alien technology. UFO-15 Turn rate are fine BTW.

I’m curious, when the MiG-23 and Su-17 were overpowered, did these forum warriors write the same angry posts?

MiG-23 players after nerf only cried

You must be new here. Yes, same angry posts about sustained turn , posts that the mig should turn like F-4E etc.


Su-17 ? When Su-17M2 were bombing bases in start of match ? That was short break in a giganting period of time when Phantoms would bomb everything and win the game

It would be strange to expect something positive from them as a consequence of such decisions

Su-17 was overpowered for few degrees sustianed rurn rate.

Positive, from everyone who not plays 23ML, maybe, no?

Damn and that what’s needed to be OP and we are here unhappy with terrible missle, underperforming FM and radar search rate

What ? Then why expecting positive reaction from MiG-23 players ?

But that more like just a fact, nothing more.
btw most of su-17/22 players was not able to dogfight in 2c by skill

I have positive reaction, i played MiG-23MF.
That must be enough

So you have MiG from tree line and you comparing yourself with people who bought it for a bit significant amount of money premium vehicle under impression that it will perform good and you expect them to be happy ? Are you out of your mind ?

Lmao one time russia doesnt get op missile far better than US its a drama

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Every time.
That was with phoenix even

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But the MiG-23 is historically accurate. So those who bought it can only blame the Russians for making bad planes.

By the way, I recently came across a fragment of radio communications between a Su-34 pilot and an A-50. The Su-34 was targeted by a Patriot missile, and its pilot was performing anti-missile maneuvers under the direction of the A-50. Does this mean that the Su-34’s RWR, the L-150, is useless against the Patriot?

The historical one is just the name, like everything in this game. This is a game, not a simulator. FM is terrible here

The conclusion of an absolute dilettante

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Actually there’s some docs ablut L-150
And one guy on twitter, according to them said that it’s having troubles


Idk true is it or not.