R-77-1 but no AIM-120C-5?

They have an entire Taiwanese line? There’s 0 reason it shouldn’t be there. The already have the Taiwanese F-16A too.

Ahahaha, so peak. i actually didn’t know they did that

Could also come through pakistan, sooner or later there has to be a subtree.

As if gaijin didnt gimp the R-77 with artificial drag.

Terrible take you have.
Maybe gaijin should just add the R-37M with its 300km range, while the aim-260 is still just a design on paper.

Yeah give me my Mig31 wit my r33 and r37

Gaijin always looking for excuses to add something from the modern era to Russia with the excuse of ‘‘they need it’’, sorry but not our fault they are behind on the technological race, but the irony is the R-77-1 is from 2010, implemented by the Russian army in 2015, meanwhile the AIM-120C is from 1996, then they’re adding the SU 30sm with TV which is from 2012, and America and every other nation by this point should have the AIM 9X, they can even just copy paste the R 73 so is not as insane as it is in real life. but i know it won’t happen because this is the same company that self nerf the Tunguska as an excuse to add the Pantsir haha

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The years they are implemented are irrelevant, only capability and BR. Otherwise, you will end up with J7s (aka MiG-21) vs F22, fair? Nope. R-77-1 is nerfed as well, still inferior to AMRAAM in most cases, but obviously you are ignoring the fact that every other ARH in game is nerfed except AMRAAM.


Entered service in 1993 but I digress.

It got its first kill in 1993. It was operational in 1991

You will lose the unfair br examples battle, don’t even start it. AMRAAM is nerfed as well. Though it’s funny that you all are saying that R-77 and R-77-1 are nerfed like it’s an obvious fact or something. I’d bet R-77 was barely able to fly IRL. While R-77-1 was kinda flying.

It doesn’t have variable drag. The grid fins apparently are better at supersonic speeds

Is always funny to me when people try so hard to defend anything Russian with the ‘‘fair’’ point, you wanna talk about ‘‘fair’’, how about when Gaijin implemented the R27R, with no real multi-path meaning even when you went cold it was gonna track you perfectly, the counterpart, the AIM-7M a really good sparrow irl with tons of information and videos to prove its capabilities, BUT NOOO gaijin then added the R27ER making the single best radar missile for OVER A YEAR with no contestant because the 7Ms were ‘‘buggy’’, they would go stupid, explode for no reason and more, but wait, there’s more, Russia is the only nation with long range Fox 2s as well the R27ET, from which i scored 15km kills with it rear aspect even in the Fox 3 meta, and i can keep going, so yeah if you want the R-77-1 then the AIM 120C (first variant) should be implemented as well, every nation that runs 120s should get them as the final unlock, oh and let’s not forget how in this game, gaijin added the ability to fool Fox 3s while being up high with chaff while irl and even DCS, doing that is the worst thing you can do because the radars inside these missiles don’t get fool by chaff that easily, but gaijin added it so people who know nothing about Fox 3s and bought their way to the top can ‘‘play’’, but that’s a topic for another day :)

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No ? The first kill with the AIM-120 AMRAAM missile was achieved on December 27, 1992, by Lt. Col. Gary “Nordo” North, flying an F-16D, who shot down an Iraqi MiG-25 during Operation Southern Watch.

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my bad, even better

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Why wouldn’t it be fooled? Target notched and got filtered in the pd filter and at the same time something moving at the targets airspeed for a fraction of a second appeared, wouldn’t it go for something it illuminated?

Surely most countries would have got rid of chaff already if it was the case?

chaff still works on basic level, but there is a reason they made stuff like GEN-X and Britecloud, as well as many types of towed decoys.

But we don’t have that in war thunder? And chaff doesn’t even guarantee evasion in war thunder

So what’s the issue?

well yeah because apparently they simplified that aspect of radars and radar guided missiles

And gameplay wise, that is an issue because?

there are more realistic and interesting alternatives. and someone will have to fact check, but there could be different chaff compostions (though iirc its still some kind of metal shaving) with varying levels of effectiveness.