R-73's for the MiG-29 9.12 and 9.13

Weird since I’m friends with dozens of the people that know flight model data.
And funny how they all say the same thing I stated here today: Mig-29SMT’s flight model in dogfighting is inferior to F-16C.

Prove us wrong, I’ll wait.
Keep calling the people that know FM data trolls.
Keep claiming that basic facts are braindead takes.

All you do is prove them right.

Show me where i ever made the claim the f16c is inferior to the 29smt? Keep trolling tho.

You falsely accused me in a personal attack after I said Mig-29SMT is inferior in overall flight model to F-16C. So do you agree with my position or not?

And after I said that I started talking in the context of air RB because air RB nullifies dogfighting in over 90% of engagements.

No, I recommended that another user block you because you’re a troll.

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As much as I love R-27ER, I would exchange it for R-73 (at least for Hungarian since it is the only one I have so far). Don’t care much at what br it will eventually sit, same as with Italian F-16ADF receiving its historical AMRAAMs.