R-73's for the MiG-29 9.12 and 9.13

Should the MiG-29A (9-13, 9-12A/B) get the R-73 already?

  • Yes
  • No
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As far as I’m aware, the MiG-29A’s in the game (USSR 9-13, GER 9-12A, ITA 9-12B) should be able to use the R-73, with them being introduced with it back when it first came out. It was hsince been removed, and given that they (Fulcrums) are all 12.7 and even have to often face AIM-120’s, I don’t see any reason to deny the R-73 any longer.


I don’t mind losing R-27ER in exchange with R-73 and raising BR to 13.0, HMD is kinda useless with R-60’s


Gaijin should add the R-73 since this jet had a hmd for using this missile but gaijin should also remove R-27ER/ET from all 9.12/9.13 mig29s.


Only if they don’t go up in BR.

Moving them up will just make them almost identical to the Mig-29G, which isn’t ideal


It wont go up in BR if gaijin removes R-27ER/ET

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Given that there are plenty of other jets with a ton of IRCCM missiles at the same br or 0.3 higher, i see no issue in the mig-29s recieving the missiles it’s HMDs were designed to use.
Also i am under the firm belief that R-60MKs belong no higher than 11.7


they were removed on the dev server because the game wasn’t ready for the missile yet

and that’s correct

however I don’t see why it should be introduced for all of them now because it’s the only distinction that the 9.12A has to the MiG-29G

instead I’d prefer the Removal of R-27E missiles together with a BR change to 12.3

Been a while since I last used 60Ms, are they still hot garbage with 1.5km of range that go for the singular flare ?

In a word, yes.

The only regular kills I get with them are against straight-flying base bombers who don’t see me, who would be just as easily caught by an AIM-9B.

Occasionally punting them at people sub 1km in a headon works. However by that point you might as well use the 30mm which won’t be flared.

The 27ERs are basically the weapons on the MiG - the other four missiles are fireworks that occasionally put someone’s eye out…


So utterly useless that I avoid aircraft equipped with them all together, even though i love my GDR mig-29, i have no motivation to play it right now


My wishlist for thie mig-29 would be:

  • FM rework

  • R-73/R-73E swapped for the ER on 9.12 variants

  • Additional missing thrust added

  • possible replacement of 60 CMs with 60 Large CMs

  • More decals and representation of warsaw pact mig-29 squadrons in game


So quiet literally A2G weapons like Brimstones are better at engaging air than dedicated A2A ones. Comedy.

I guess nothing has changed lol.


The mig29 used to have large cm. They changed it because it never had them irl.

if mig29a has r-73 then f-14b must have aim-9m

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F-14 gets 6 ARH area denial missiles, the mig gets 2 SARHs that it can’t guide at long range due to poor radar


short answer, yes, long answer, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees
anything that is warmer than a breath of air came outside of a man would attract every R60/60M/60MK in the area, even those aircraft that have no flares are able to get away by firing regular rockets. Consider this missile is an unguided stick, in that case, the missile truely doesnt knows where it is at all times


Infamous saying is that a babushka lighting a candle in a house would attract an r-60 more than an enemy exhaust

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and somehow is true, perhaps the mose effective way of using R60 is to throw it directly into enemy’s window and knocks the pilot out

Yes, but only if they go up. Before that a massive decompression patch is needed.

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I guess planes facing R-60s don’t even need flares, they could just drop a burning cigarette from the cockpit, that would surely fool the missile.

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