Should the MiG-29A (9-13, 9-12A/B) get the R-73 already?
As far as I’m aware, the MiG-29A’s in the game (USSR 9-13, GER 9-12A, ITA 9-12B) should be able to use the R-73, with them being introduced with it back when it first came out. It was hsince been removed, and given that they (Fulcrums) are all 12.7 and even have to often face AIM-120’s, I don’t see any reason to deny the R-73 any longer.
Given that there are plenty of other jets with a ton of IRCCM missiles at the same br or 0.3 higher, i see no issue in the mig-29s recieving the missiles it’s HMDs were designed to use.
Also i am under the firm belief that R-60MKs belong no higher than 11.7
short answer, yes, long answer, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees
anything that is warmer than a breath of air came outside of a man would attract every R60/60M/60MK in the area, even those aircraft that have no flares are able to get away by firing regular rockets. Consider this missile is an unguided stick, in that case, the missile truely doesnt knows where it is at all times