R-73's for the MiG-29 9.12 and 9.13

Gaijin nerfed them so their max G is 22


I’m talking from the perspective of the German ones. You can’t move the 9-12A up without invalidating the purpose of the 9-12G, or making it worse than the G.

3 options: 1. keep as is 2. Remove R-27ER and move to 12.3 3. Remove R-27ER, add R-73, stay at 12.7

Balance should be a priority, rather than having accurate weaponry. If something benefits from not having all of its loadout, then it should stay that way.

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Do you have any idea how insane it is to put a MiG-29 at 12.3?

This is something that inevitably has to happen if the game really wants to become balanced someday. It’s not my fault if some incompetent person thought it was cool to add a ton of copy-paste; now they have to deal with the problem they’ve already created

The game having inconsistencies in armaments and the lack of effort to decompress the BR in Air modes is literally what creates anomalies, like a MiG-29 at 12.7 being terrible at 13.7 or overpowered in an 11.7 match

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The Mig-29 would be 12.3 with R-60Ms and R-27Rs. It can’t stay at 12.7 because you can’t massively nerf something and keep it at the same BR.

If you want to change its loadout, those are the 3 options there are. You can’t nerf/buff something at keep it at the same BR, and you can’t buff it, but move it to a BR where it is worse than another plane.

This doesn’t really relate to the conversation.

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The thing is R-73s make it the same BR as the Mig-29G.
Cause as much as people may think that R-73s are worse than AIM-9Ms, they’re not worse, they’re an analogue.

Mirage 2000 C5 and EJ Kai are 12.3 with slightly better loadouts.

I do have to agree with you there. WT is too compressed to give it R-73s without making it or the Mig-29G irrelevant.

The 21Bison also has 2 R-27Rs and 2 R-73s, but on a worse platform at 12.3.

“Yes, indeed. If your flawed logic were correct, I’d agree, but it’s nowhere near being true.”

The problems in air are chronic and have been going on for years, and although some aren’t directly related, they’re all intertwined

It’s not like I haven’t been pointing out since the last big BR changes that this plane is a crime at 12.3 (m2k)

What do you think should be done then?

dude the smt is shit and I have a positive k/d in it. It won’t reach mach 1.5 in anything but an ec map because it takes forever to accelerate past mach 1.3. The hump makes it literally a whale that loses all its energy in a turn so that slightly faster acceleration means nothing and you won’t win a dogfight to an f15/16c because you can’t outrate either and you have far worse retention, unless you get a lucky r73/77 off you’re dead, the ONLY redeeming factor is the radar and you have one of the shortest legs arh missiles. Frankly I have no idea where you’re getting this idea that the mig29s are secretly op, you seemingly have an elitest attitude with humble statistics. Oh and another thing, the 9.13 receiving r73s invalidating a 9.12 in a different tech tree is laughable.


So according to your post the F-16s are bad cause they “struggle” to hit mach 1.5 as well…
Not sure why your post is saying Mig-29s are OP, only Mig-29G and SMT are because their competitors are 0.3 BR higher and their equal BR stuff is vastly inferior.

Mig-29SMT and F-15E share the same energy retention rate of ~18 degrees per second, the F-15E accelerates faster and has 2 more AMRAHMs; That’s why the F-15E is superior.

according to my post where? you’re extraordinary at arguing against points you make up in your head and not ones posted, the f16 is an entirely different aircraft with different missiles and a different fm that has insane retention and rate ability and are just superior dogfighters as well as faster at altitude. As for the other 13.0s, they either have fox3s or are comparable to the mig29g like the f15a. As for your second claim I have both the f15e and mig29smt with expert crews and over 200 games in each I have no idea where you’re getting your statistics but they do not have the same energy retention the f15e is far superior to even the f15c. Your claim that it only has 2 more missiles also fails to consider that they’re vastly different, aim120s are superior to r77s in all situations besides short range high aspect shots and just how superior the acceleration is on the f15e, as well as being way faster. The smt is 13.3 because it has good kit but a terrible fm.

SMT being undertiered is the best joke ive heard all week. Thanks for the laughs.


@coffee_can Air RB is not a dogfight game mode.
F-15C and E have the same energy retention due to F-15E having a higher mass.
F-15A is OP, thanks for your post admitting the Mig-29G should be 13.3 alongside F-15A.

Now for the comparison using stats useful for air RB [not 1v1 dogfights in your precious custom battles]:
~18 degrees per second.
Max speed sea level: Mach 1.24.
Time to 1000kph: 37 seconds.
Time to 10,000 meters: 106 seconds [79 seconds from 1000kph].
Time to mach 1.5: 200 seconds [94 seconds from 10,000 meters].

Energy retention: ~19 degrees per second.
Max speed sea level: Mach 1.2.
Time to 1000kph: 35 seconds.
Time to 10,000 meters: 96 seconds [62 seconds from 1000kph].
Time to mach 1.5: 169 seconds [74 seconds from 10,000 meters].

A 30 second difference to mach 1.5.

To give a reference, this is Gripen which is currently 13.7 and not 13.3:
Max speed sea level: Mach 1.15, same speed as an F-14B or F-4E.
Time to 1000kph: 40 seconds.
Time to 10,000 meters: 115 seconds [75 seconds from 1000kph].
Time to mach 1.5: 210 seconds [95 seconds from 10,000 meters].
41 second different to mach 1.5 from F-16C and is the same BR with 2 less AMRAHMs.

So needless to say, Mig-29SMT is Gripen and F-16 capable, it just dogfights worse.
F-15E isn’t bad cause it’s the worst dogfighter above BR 13.0.

Tornado F3 Late at 13.3:
Max speed sea level: Mach 1.2.
Time to 1000kph: 54 seconds.
Time to 10,000 meters: 157 seconds [103 seconds from 1000kph].
Time to mach 1.5: 282 seconds [125 seconds from 10,000 meters].

82 seconds slower than Mig-29SMT, 72 seconds slower than Gripen.


Max speed sea level: Mach 1.15.
Time to 1000kph: 46 seconds.
Time to 10,000 meters: 127 seconds [81 seconds from 1000kph].
Time to mach 1.5: 213 seconds [86 seconds from 10,000 meters].

Mirage 2000-5F:
Max speed sea level: Mach 1.27.
Time to 1000kph: 46 seconds.
Time to 10,000 meters: 118 seconds [72 seconds from 1000kph].
Time to mach 1.5: Null.

anytime. hopefully it’ll save your sanity. he’s a notorious troll.

I love how people are posting claiming that everyone who uses datamine material and real-life flight testing standards are trolls.

Keep claiming every expert in the world are trolls, all you do is prove the WT community correct, the same community that represents my views and helps supply me with information

Bro, you have the most braindead takes imaginable. You’re a troll. You know you’re a troll. The people who actually know fm data don’t associate with you for good reason. You’re no expert btw.

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Weird since I’m friends with dozens of the people that know flight model data.
And funny how they all say the same thing I stated here today: Mig-29SMT’s flight model in dogfighting is inferior to F-16C.

Prove us wrong, I’ll wait.
Keep calling the people that know FM data trolls.
Keep claiming that basic facts are braindead takes.

All you do is prove them right.

Show me where i ever made the claim the f16c is inferior to the 29smt? Keep trolling tho.

You falsely accused me in a personal attack after I said Mig-29SMT is inferior in overall flight model to F-16C. So do you agree with my position or not?

And after I said that I started talking in the context of air RB because air RB nullifies dogfighting in over 90% of engagements.