If you can’t even make a serious point then we can just ignore you in this thread
R73 is not a wunderwaffen, dont over estimate its ability
You meant to reply to Baltic.
Demanding Russian bias is unserious, and Baltic said to ignore takes that include saying Mig-29s should be a lower BR with the same loadout.
If you think this should be the same BR as Mig-29G then you agree with me.
manipulating my statements is a rule breach and I can get a mod involved, if you need me to clarify my stance on this thread then here it is:
I believe that the 12.7 Mig-29s that are armed with the R-60M/MK have long since had their time in the sun and could do with a rework, this would ideally occur through numerous fixes but the major one being the implementation of historical loadouts, that being the addition of R-73/Es and the taking away of R-27T/ER in order to justify it’s BR remaining the same and not being identical to the Mig-29G in loadout.
No one enjoys playing the Mig-29s with the R-60Ms since they are extremely reliant on their ERs for offensive capability, and outside of that are armed with missiles found at 10.0, and if you specifically do then feel free to play them while they remain in the state they are in currently.
Once again, No one is asking for it to change BRs, no one is asking for it to become some magical sealclubbing menace; We simply want 2 things: Accuracy and Enjoyment for the Mig-29 series, specifically the export variants
No one manipulated your statements.
Stop with the antagonistic statements.
R-73s make the peak loadouts identical.
As I said, remove the ERs and move the Mig-29 to 12.3.
And yes, you are asking for the BRs to change. Adding R-73s increases the BR, this is obvious.
Its BR would be at minimum identical to the Belgium-Dutch F-16A.
sorry but I meant to reply to you and I would say again
With fully respect, R73 is not a wunderwaffen and demanding a fair loadout isnt russian bias, if you wish to reject anyone’s opinion please explain why
btw, it is possible to find out whos bigger between 1984 and 1990, is math, not rocket science
To benefit who exactly, now you have a jet which acts like a dog with it’s canines removed, aka weak.
If you weren’t then you would quote me directly instead of trying to put words in my mouth, cute attempt though.
Are you missing something here, if you carry 6x R-73s in the Mig-29G then you are sacrificing 2 of your main weapons, if you carry 6x R-73s in the theoretical Mig-29A then that is indeed your peak loadout.
As you mentioned this would give it relative parity to the Belgian F-16A however that possesses better avionics and flight performance so those justify a slightly higher BR
in your eyes, it’s alright to have an opinion alvis but this doesn’t always mean they should be taken as definite fact.
Mig-29s already have fair loadouts. Zero Mig-29s are over-BR’d, in-fact two are under-BR’d.
Your posts are the only ones claiming that R-73s are wunderwaffen, no one elses’ posts are claiming that.
Quoting rule violating material is itself a rule violation, that’s why I didn’t quote your post.
If I carry 6x R-73s on Mig-29G, which I do, I am sacrificing nothing.
Never used R-27ERs.
And no, it’s not my eyes, it’s reality.
I’ll keep being civil and serious with you.
Alright if you aren’t going to be serious then conversation is over, I’d like to have a civil discussion with you about future possibilities but for that to happen you need to present a coherent and sensible answer that isn’t “let’s deprive the Mig by removing it’s ERs and not compensating for that with new IRs” under the guise of balance, if you were interested in realism or balance then getting on board with this suggestion is perfectly reasonable so I, and the other people in this thread are confused as to why you oppose this?
Why do you call civility and seriousness the opposite of what they are… and opposing civility and seriousness isn’t nice…
I oppose this because I don’t want Mig-29s to start at 13.3, I want them to start at 12.3 - 12.7.
Same reason I want F-16 Block 5 to come into the game with AIM-9Js only.
If I want higher BR Mig-29s, those exist.
As I said I want the ERs removed and Mig-29 9.12/9.13 brought to 12.3 BR.
There’s already Mig-29s with R-73s and more can be added, because the PEAK IR missile on all Mig-29s is R-73. R-73M is a marginal increase in IRCCM to peoples’ knowledge.
So be patient; demanding all airframes to be carried by their missiles is an annoying take.
so do you wish to have a Mig29 at 12.3 with only R27R and R60M? I do not believe it would makes it competitive
That would actually be very competitive. The R-27Rs are not bad missiles, and R-60Ms are trash, but at least they’re all aspect. And being able to stomp 11.3 sounds like an even better deal.
Except that the Mig-29G and Su-27(S) both have both the R-27ERs and R-73s at 13.0
my guy, you have less than 100 battles with the best mig29 (yes best 29 because it is the best airframe, lighter than the 9.13 and better than the 9.12 because combines the 27er+73) no, the smt is rubbish, the only good thing in this plane is the radar, the R77s are still one of the worst Fox 3s in the game, and why are you talking about -reality-? what reality is this? It seems more like your bad opinion without any good experience and yes, I have experience with the 29:
btw, I don’t even consider myself an exceptional player in this game, maybe I’m above average, but I just brought my statistics since you posted yours.
you also can’t simply compare the mig29g with the mig29 9.13, they are in different nations, making the mig29 9.13 have the r73 and also removing the r27er does not invalidate the mig29g as they are not in the same nation.
the 29s hmd was MADE to be used with the r73, the r73 is more historically accurate than the r60m even though both missiles can be used on the mig29 and since both are historically accurate, add both to all the 29s.
yes, but the 29 manufacturer didn’t want to sell R27ers to Germany or Hungary, so they made sure to dictate what the exporting countries could receive when they got their 29s.
so, to finish this, r60ms are useless, r27ers are 80% of the times 2 free kills, i would trade the r27ers for the r73s, leave the r27rs/t and im fine with that.
Sir, I play all ten tech trees and all ten game modes. I have an average lifespan of 5 minutes in RB modes.
In my 40,201 respawns, of 5 minutes each that is 3350 hours of gameplay in the RB game modes.
Don’t bring up stats if you’re going to misread them.
On top of that Mig-29SMT is one of the fastest jets in the game, with an amazing radar, good RWR, great missiles, a chunk of countermeasures and fuel for days.
You are not just above average, you are part of the top 10% of players easily.
Soviets can get a Mig-29 with just R-73s at any time, they don’t need 9.13 to be 13.3 in BR.
R-73 is not “more” historically accurate; Source: Mikoyan. I’ll wait for you to prove that Mikoyan are the liars your post implied.
yeah R27R isnt too bad but the radar is, the plane is compensated by having a good missile which is R27ER. Remove it without any buff would just make it into a Mig23MLD with extra upgrade.
surely on the one hand you could bully some 11.3 planes with your jet but on the other hand you could fight against FOX3s, and for that case, you have nothing but poor R27Rs and R60Ms
AMRAHMs primarily start at 13.7, which it wouldn’t face if it went down to 12.3.
And decompression removes the other supersonic AMRAHM carriers.
what about AV8s or JF17, they are 13.0 and 13.3. If you wish to extend the max BR and release some pressure Im fully agreed but currently I see no possibility of such things happens
AV-8s are sub-par airframe performance, and will likely go to 13.3 in the decompression.
Obviously JF17 goes to 13.7.
While AMRAHMs are strong, they’re still easily defeatable with the Mig-29 RWR despite its flaws.
And since they’d only see Sea Harrier and AV-8B at worst, it’d be fine.
Obviously Mig-29 can’t die to AIM-54s, and F90s have a hard time as well.
firstly, they are still FOX3 carrier, and about the BR extend, yes, please, but I wont change my mind unless they released another BR changing plan
and secondly, since when did Mig29 have good RWR? I throught they are as good as how USSR at its end time with any electronic technologies