R-24r nerf when?

Uhhhhh, what? You’re saying it proxy’s at a 1/10 of a kilometer? Anyone would be light years away from even getting hit by that…

Yes and no. It has higher acceleration which allows it to pull its top G load faster. However it has higher drag, meaning it has significantly less range than the sparrow series, except possibly the Aim-7E-2 which has similar characteristics to the R-24R as well. However, technically speaking, The sparrows has 1 more G of pull, it just takes some time and range to get up to that speed at which it’s capable of pulling it.

If you’re not notching correctly then of corse. However I’ve had a very easy time dodging and notching them and never encountered and problems chaffing them. They tend to loose lock easily when you change your aspect and turn correctly so it can’t predict your location when trying to require lock.

Honestly no it wouldn’t. Poor example, as it has a search only radar, Aim-9Js, and weak flight performance compared to the MiG-23 series. If we’re being honest here it would also be 11.3 given it trades off the flight performance and radar capabilities.

You weren’t low enough, or over a piece of land that was angled or didn’t register correctly. I’ve had zero problem and had their missiles multi-parked from 50m above the ground.

Massive skill issue on your part then. Easy range to notch it from, energy trap the MiG, and especially chaff it. Given the fact that the MiG-23 radar is incapable of searching or using the MTI mode when the MiG-23 is 2km above the ground (funny and dumb characteristic you can exploit) you should have no problem making the radar, and then the missile, loose lock.

If you think this is bad, wait till you see the MiG-29 9.12a with 2 of the best missile in the game at 12.0.

Uhhhhh, what? You’re saying it proxy’s at a 1/10 of a kilometer? Anyone would be light years away from even getting hit by that…

while 100m is an exaggeration it has the largest proximity fuse of any other missile in the game.

Yes and no. It has higher acceleration which allows it to pull its top G load faster. However it has higher drag, meaning it has significantly less range than the sparrow series, except possibly the Aim-7E-2 which has similar characteristics to the R-24R as well. However, technically speaking, The sparrows has 1 more G of pull, it just takes some time and range to get up to that speed at which it’s capable of pulling it.

First of all the aim7e2 is actually draggier because it is very lightweight and bleeds speed the moment it starts turning with engine off. The R24R has better energy retention. Technically speaking the sparrow is smaller and has very low track success as well as being coupled to some of the worst radars in the entire game which don’t help either.

If you’re not notching correctly then of corse. However I’ve had a very easy time dodging and notching them and never encountered and problems chaffing them. They tend to loose lock easily when you change your aspect and turn correctly so it can’t predict your location when trying to require lock.

you can’t notch a radar that is not pulse doppler. I keep seeing people say “just notch bro” to a literal SEARCH RADAR that has a chaff and terrain filter. I’ve tried to deter them always by turning away and they will still track you consistently.

Honestly no it wouldn’t. Poor example, as it has a search only radar, Aim-9Js, and weak flight performance compared to the MiG-23 series. If we’re being honest here it would also be 11.3 given it trades off the flight performance and radar capabilities.

so is the ML’s radar. MTI is just “moving target information” as it will track any aspects even from 90 degrees, it filters out movement and enhances the objects moving in a different direction than that of the rest around the radar’s beam. When above certain altitude the MTI changes to LD which stands for low dispersion. That radar mode sees much more chaff and makes missiles easier to defeat.

You weren’t low enough, or over a piece of land that was angled or didn’t register correctly. I’ve had zero problem and had their missiles multi-parked from 50m above the ground.

10km of altitude is considerably a very high altitude, a MiG23’s missile reaches further and glides better than any DF sparrow as you compare them to; hence it will strike anything else flying straight. I was also trying to notch while flaring, that’s why it hit me. If I was going cold or going straight ahead the missile would have eventually never reached or turned too hard and bled out of energy.

If you think this is bad, wait till you see the MiG-29 9.12a with 2 of the best missile in the game at 12.0.

I know, I’ve been suffering under their opression since I got the f-4e and now it multiplied by ten because of the su27 j11 spam.

I would honestly place the r24r right below the r27er because the magic 530ds are slow and dont arrive on time 90 percent of the time you launch from X distance with someone launching from the same distance onto the same target; 530d’s will never relock again if you lock the target again while the r24r’s do. However unlike the r27er you can deter them by suddenly nosing down to make them copy your every move since their tracking method is the same of that of a sparrow that copies the enemy’s movements instead of spending all of it’s energy on accelerating then turning.

That’s more of a detriment than you might think if it were the case. Which it isn’t.

It’s not the radar you need to be notching, it’s the missile, which can be notched and Chaffed.

Except and can’t hold or obtain a lock when anyone drops a single chaff or if the target is even slightly near the ground. My MiG-23s can all gain locks whesomeone is skimming the ground thanks to MTI. Good luck doing that in the F-4E when there’s a mountain 1km away in the background.

I misread, I thought you said 10m (quite the difference lmao)
At 10km you should be able to have easily defeated a missile from a “ground licking” platforms launch. Either you weren’t aware until it was too late or improperly defended as you stated.

What plane are you fighting those in cuz surely not a F-4E, given theyre 12.7.

Considering he wants the F-15 to get a BR reduction or Buffs. Im guessing F-15


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